Cloud-native computing is all about efficiency and collaboration. Security needs to be better incorporated throughout the SDLC so developers have shorter feedback loops to remediate security issues. Check out my #CNScon recap and sessions from the show
#CNSCon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #infosecchicken
My article just scratches the surface. Be sure to check out the presentations and videos of the sessions that are now posted #CNScon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon #shiftleft #cncf #openssf 2/2
#CNSCon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon #shiftleft #cncf #openssf
Really enjoyed #CloudNativeSecurityCon a few weeks ago in Seattle. ICYMI: here are my top takeaways via @SearchSecurity
#CNScon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon #shiftleft #cncf #openssf
#cloudnativesecuritycon #CNSCon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon #shiftleft #cncf #openssf
Really enjoyed #CloudNativeSecurityCon a few weeks ago in Seattle. ICYMI: here are my top takeaways via @SearchSecurity
#CNScon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon @CloudNativeFdn @esg_global 1/2
#cloudnativesecuritycon #CNSCon #devsecops #cloudsecurity #kubecon
Nice to see Tenable presenting at #CNSCon on tenets for #kubernetes security and how to get self healing Gitops #policyascode #devsecops #OPA #terrascan #cloudsecurity #cncf
#CNSCon #kubernetes #policyascode #devsecops #opa #terrascan #cloudsecurity #cncf
Emily Fox #CNSCon co chair from
@Apple in her keynote talked
about the need develop new practices to apply traditional security practices into cloud native stacks -#kubernetes and more #cloudsecurity #appsec #devsecops #cncf
#infosec #iam #iac #grc
#CNSCon #kubernetes #cloudsecurity #appsec #devsecops #cncf #infosec #iam #iac #grc
Slides for my talk are online, which is good because I'm probably going to go quick. #cnscon
Great first day at the first standalone Cloud Native SecurityCon event. With #digitaltransformation, app dev modernization, and high usage of open source software, this will be an increasingly important security conference
#digitaltransformation #CNSCon #cnsc #cloudnative #devsecops #cloudsecurity
Excited to be at Cloud Native Securitycon in Seattle! Will be glad to chat during break, reach out. #cloudnative #CNScon
Looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces at #CloudNativeSecurityCon. If you're here, be sure to check out my presentation on Thursday about the work OCI has been doing to associate artifacts with images. #cnscon
#CloudNativeSecurityCon #CNSCon
Looking forward to being out in Seattle for CloudNativeSecurityCon #CNScon this week. Come by the Spyderbat booth if you are attending.
Looking forward to seeing the container security crew in-person at #CNSCon! I'm talking with Wes about how we tackled container patching for GKE...FTR I love the gum wall, I just wanted a Seattle-themed talk title 😂​