How can the #lossanddamage fund be operational within two years after #COP27 when it took the #GCF five years and then some?
New SEI/Germanwatch paper looks at what can be learnt from existing institutions.
/x #Klimakatastrophe 🌎 🌡️
"Oxfam fordert höhere Steuern für Superreiche"
"Ein Milliardär stößt laut #Oxfam so viel CO₂ aus wie eine Million arme Menschen. Neben höheren Steuern fordert die Hilfsorganisation mehr Regulierung bei Investitionen."
:mastoread: (7. Nov 2022)
📷 (2021) #Klimaschutz #TaxTheRich
#klimakatastrophe #weltklimakonferenz #COP27 #oxfam #klimaschutz #taxtherich
RT @JochenFlasbarth: Bei #COP27 habe ich mit dem 🇰🇪Außenminister @DrAlfredMutua die 🇰🇪🇩🇪 Klima- & Entwicklungspartnerschaft unterzeichnet. Jetzt in Nairobi konnte ich mit Finanzminister Njuguna Ndung‘u, Umweltministerin @HonTuya & EnergieSt Alex Wachira weitere Umsetzungsschritte besprechen.
Enfin, les besoins de financements pour les politiques climatiques des pays du sud sont immenses.
Lors de la #COP27, c'est le chiffre de 2400 milliards de dollars annuels d'ici 2030 qui était avancé.
On est bien loin des "83,3 milliards" mobilisés...
RT @FrSchmidtke: I am looking forward meeting “Mr.Cop” Nithi Nesadurai, Director of @CANSEAClimate at #COP27. Great insights to the COP-process and how the conference changed through the years. Thanks @Julia_Behrens for this interview. @FESinAsia
It's now been *6 months* since Sunak met Egyptian President @AlsisiOfficial at #COP27. Yet British citizen, writer & democracy activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah remains behind bars in Egypt. PM must step up to secure his release.
My letter 👇
#FreeAlaa @Monasosh @sana2 @AIUKCCNAT
RT @EU_DEAR_prog: To understand the complexities of the climate crises, we need even more knowledge sharing & skills says @SeanKellyMEP
At #COP27 he saw a lot of ambition, but not enough of what really needs to be done. #EuropeanYearOfSkills #EYS #GlobalCitizenshipEducation #GCE #euDEARprogramme
#COP27 #EuropeanYearOfSkills #EYS #GlobalCitizenshipEducation #gce #euDEARprogramme
Looking for a post or article I saw months ago about the carbon footprint of the #cop27 website.... does anyone know what I’m talking about? I’ve been trying to find it for half an hour and coming up with nothing 😩 #GreenDesign #sustainability #CarbonFootprint
#COP27 #greendesign #sustainability #carbonfootprint
RT @LossandDamage: 1/23. Today saw the first official day of the first meeting (#TC1) of the Transitional Committee(TC) of the #LossAndDamage Fund agreed at #COP27 taking place in Luxor, Egypt. Here is a summary of the day's developments. 🧵
#ONU | Pour la première fois, lors de la #COP27, l’Égypte avait organisé une journée de l'eau.
J'ai salué cette initiative lors de ma rencontre avec @HaniSewilam. Nous poursuivons l'ambition que ce sujet soit au centre de l'agenda international !
Ever the diplomat, Patricia Espinosa says developed-developing distinction remains relevant for #climatefinance, but it might be time for certain larger developing countries to contribute more.
Cautiously phrased, but clearly echoing a prominent notion from #COP27.
#climatefinance #COP27 #lsegegc
RT @DKUNmisgva: On 20-21 March 🇪🇬🇦🇪&🇩🇰 will host the #CopenhagenClimateMinisterial – the first political high level climate meeting following up on #COP27.
50 ministers and climate leaders are joining the ministerial in Copenhagen to set the course towards #COP28.
#CopenhagenClimateMinisterial #COP27 #COP28
Looking foreward to some important days in Copenhagen!
RT @COP27P: The first high-level meeting since #COP27 starts today. 🌍
Ministers and envoys meet at the #CopenhagenClimateMinisterial to mobilize implementation on the ground and operationalize the milestones from Sharm el-Sheikh.
#COP27 #CopenhagenClimateMinisterial
CoR member @AlisonGilliland is representing the #LGMA constituency in the first political high-level meeting following #COP27. The ministerial meeting aims to lay the path to a successful #COP28 delivering on the #ParisAgreement targets and the COP27 conclusions.
RT @AlisonGilliland: On the road to #COP28 with Climate Ministerial getting underway - privileged to represent the LGMA Constituency and voice the need for local government and municipal authorities to be…
#LGMA #COP27 #COP28 #ParisAgreement
RT @UNDPEU: When we work together, we can achieve much more. #ClimateAction is important more than ever.
In #Egypt, @UNDP and #EU pooled resources, knowledge and capacities to support the country in hosting #COP27.
@eu_near @EUClimateAction @eu_eeas @EUatUN @EU_Partnerships
#ClimateAction #Egypt #EU #COP27
Looking foreward to next weeks Important meeting in Copenhagen!
RT @COP27P: Hosted by Minister @DanJoergensen, COP President Sameh Shoukry and incoming President Dr. Sultan al-Jaber, will co-chair the meeting and lead the agenda on:
🌍 Implementing decisions from #COP27
☑️ Delivering on the Paris Agreement’s targets
📍Setting the course for #COP28
#NZIA deterring foreign clean tech wouldn’t help global #climate, just for the European achievement of #COP27 goals. Better including 🌎 🧼 tech @CDU_CSU_EP @EP_SingleMarket
At #COP27, a credibility crisis regarding emission reductions was observable. To strengthen int. climate cooperation 🌍, it is necessary to honor existing commitments and show diplomatic tact in dealing with partner countries, say @Oliver_Geden & @mjfeist
🇪🇺 Executive Vice-President in charge of #EuGreenDeal , @TimmermansEU begins a two-day visit to Gabon to attend the One Forest Summit, announced at #COP27 to discuss the global fight against #deforestation and #climatechange.
More info 👉
#EUGreenDeal #COP27 #deforestation #ClimateChange
Despite developing countries' shaken trust in the multilateral process, the int. community succeeded in reaching an agreement on the issue of loss and damage at #COP27, even if many key aspects still need to be fleshed out, write @Oliver_Geden & @mjfeist