Even amid a disaster-filled summer marked by record heat, climate misinformation continues to spread online at alarming rates. Some experts fear it could slow progress at #COP28.
#G20 #RegnoUnito
Rishi #Sunak (#CON|Centro-destra): "Sollecito i leader del G20 a lavorare in visita del vertice #COP28 in programma a dicembre per ridurre ulteriormente le emissioni di gas serra dei loro Paesi, e sostenere la transizione ecologica dei Paesi in via di sviluppo."
#g20 #regnounito #Sunak #con #COP28
#G20 #UE #Europa #Egitto
La Presidente della Commissione europea Ursula #VonDerLeyen (#CDU|EPP) ha incontrato il Presidente dell'Egitto Abdel Fattah #alSisi.
Von der Leyen ha assicurato al Presidente egiziano il "continuo sostegno dell’UE" per quanto riguarda la sicurezza alimentare. Inoltre, i due hanno discusso della cooperazione su idrogeno, investimenti per infrastrutture energetiche e obiettivi per la #COP28.
#g20 #ue #europa #egitto #vonderleyen #cdu #alsisi #COP28
Zwischen dem Klimaziel des Pariser Abkommens und den derzeitigen Natíonalen Klimazielen klafft immer noch eine riesige Lücke. Um 20,3 bis 23,9 Milliarden Tonnen CO2 müssen die Emissionen im Jahr 2030 zusätzlich verringert werden, steht im UNFCCC-Bericht zum Global Stocktake, zur weltweiten Bestandsaufnahme, die bei der #COP28 in Dubai gezogen werden soll.
The COP28 Agenda is a Recipe for Economic Armageddon: An Open Letter to Sultan Al Jaber, UAE President of #COP28 https://ageoftransformation.org/the-cop28-agenda-is-a-recipe-for-economic-armageddon-an-open-letter-to-sultan-al-jaber-president-of-cop28/
“The #climate crisis is worsening dramatically — but the collective response is lacking in ambition, credibility, and urgency,” Guterres said at a news conference at the U.N. office in New Delhi.
▪️ World not on track to reach global warming reduction goals
▪️ Ahead of Dubai climate talks, U.N. issues call for action
▪️ Another 20 gigatonnes of CO2 reductions needed this decade
#GST #GlobalStocktake #UNFCCC #COP28 https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/un-says-more-needed-on-all-fronts-meet-climate-goals-2023-09-08/
#gst #globalstocktake #unfccc #COP28
"I urge the world to carefully study the #GlobalStocktake synthesis report.
It is a report card of our collective #climateaction. And not a good one.
#COP28 is our chance to make a dramatic course correction. Let's seize that chance." - Simon Stiell UNFCCC https://unfccc.int/documents/631600
#globalstocktake #ClimateAction #COP28
The #UAE is a success story in transitioning from #oil. You'd think this would qualify them to hosting the #COP28 instead, cue the #Arab hate.
World losing race to meet climate goals, says #COP28 president
#ClimateStrike #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#ClimateCrisis #climatechange #climatestrike #COP28
African leaders call for new global taxes to fund climate change action https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/news/african-leaders-call-for-new-global-taxes-to-fund-climate-change-action/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #COP28
African leaders call for new global taxes to fund climate change action https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/news/african-leaders-call-for-new-global-taxes-to-fund-climate-change-action/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #COP28
#COP28 president announces green investment in Africa – but plans to plough billions more into fossil fuels
COP28’s climate host, the United Arab Emirates has announced plans to invest billions to help Africa move away from fossil fuels. This might almost sound impressive – if the country weren’t also gearing up to pump billions more into oil and gas
How Canada’s record-breaking wildfires are intensifying #ClimateChange . #Canada #WILDFIRES #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #COP28 https://youtu.be/mo-Dr-83YMs
#ClimateChange #canada #wildfires #endfossilfuels #fastfairforever #extinctiondemasse #pollution #ecologie #environnement #climat #massextinction #ecology #environment #climate #COP28
Die #Klimakrise ist eine sicherheitspolitische Aufgabe. Sie trifft verwundbare Staaten mit voller Wucht. Daher werden wir bei der #COP28 in Dubai zu mehr Ehrgeiz drängen. Wir brauchen neue und verstärkte Klima-Allianzen. @ABaerbock #BoKo2023 (5/5)
"Der US-Klimabeauftragte John Kerry hat führende Vertreter*innen der Öl- & Gasindustrie ermutigt, zur #COP28 konkrete Pläne zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien & zur Emissionsreduktion bis 2030 vorzulegen."
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 28 times...?
The fact that the UAE thinks attention on their country could help their reputation would be amusing if it wasn't so based in human suffering.
European Union countries are preparing to push for a global deal on phasing out fossil fuels at the United Nations #COP28 climate summit which begins in November, a draft of the EU's negotiating position showed. https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/eu-seek-cop28-deal-phasing-out-fossil-fuels-draft-document-2023-09-01/
If the UAE was really concerned here, they'd:
* Not appoint an oil exeuctive to run a climate conference
* Make sure couldn't be prosecuted for being gay
* Allow some meaningful way for people to actually object to policy in public
instead of just running a PR exercise
#COP28 #UAE #climate #ClimateCrisis
#climatecrisis #Climate #uae #COP28
West must use COP28 to reverse climate neglect of Africa, or face new era of violence https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/opinion/west-must-use-cop28-to-reverse-climate-neglect-of-africa-or-face-new-era-of-violence/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #climatecrisis #COP28