@rudytheelder Thanks for sharing, #corteximplant chooms, if you're out looking for literature :)
Sitting here on #corteximplant.com, I’m thinking about what I would want if I actually had a real cortex implant as #cyberware, and I’m thinking that my list is kind of decidedly un-#cyberpunk in the general sense of it. What would I want out of an actual cortex implant?
- Automatic recording of dreams for later playback (only by me, of course)
- Passive “Subconscious recording”: the ability to playback any situation over the last X hours with full access to everything that my subconscious picked up but that my brain filtered out in order to keep me sane and alive (basically, the #Cyberpunk2077 braindance idea but built into my own head)
- The ability to categorize thoughts for later posting or exploration, kind of like an internal referential notepad. Except in this case, it would compose thoughts in microblog-sized segments for later perusal, minor editing, and then posting to social media.
- A fairly sophisticated pain editor, primarily physical but also able to blunt emotional pain at a minor level
What I mainly want from my initial cyberware package is to make my own internal life better with minor cybernetic abilities, unless somehow I find myself in need of combat cyberware to live my daily life. If the latter is the case, my life has taken a decidedly unanticipated wrong turn somewhere.
#CORTEXIMPLANT #cyberware #cyberpunk #Cyberpunk2077
@Sinegrave Side effects may include:
- Increased synthwave consumption
- Awareness of other cultures and subcultures
- A strong desire to learn other languages
- Greater participation in social media
- Cats
- Hypervideogameitis
- "early Internet" nostalgia
- Stickermania
- Decrease in social media anxiety
You should not use #CORTEXIMPLANT if you are allergic to #CORTEXIMPLANT. #CORTEXIMPLANT should not be taken if you are using the following social media drugs:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
Here my chooms on #Corteximplant, check out @omi_geek‘s photos for some great cyberpunk vibes :)
@SynAck @Sirs0ri I'm really glad that this little internet neighbourhood gels well with you because it's been really nice to get to know you and the others during our time here.
I feel like this jarring feeling is what can put a lot of people off (permanently) when they try to join but things get better. There are also settings and various instances for people who only wish to engage with people from their own language or country.
I feel the same way in regards to the welcoming. The welcome was very warm and lovely, I like that we carried this on every time we'd see a new user post publically. It's something I wanted to also pay forward and carry on for other people who join us here.
Syn, you're heckin awesome and so are you Maxi! :D
Happy 100th and 104th day respectively! 😂
Thank you both for being here and thanks to you both for always being kind and friendly. #CORTEXIMPLANT
@Sirs0ri @LevelUp I echo this about 1,000 times! This is the most I've used social media since probably college and it's mostly due to this instance and the people that call it home. Being re-exposed to an international culture and new ways of doing things was a *little* jarring at first, but that passed very quickly. Everybody from the admin on down welcomed me in and engaged on the first day. I was surprised, really. :kekw:
The people here are awesome! I'm glad you're here, and I know you're glad I'm here, which is what makes this place so great!
p.s. I joined 4 days before you did and I totally missed my 100th-day anniversary! So thanks for the reminder! :blobfoxsunglasses:
@lucy exciting!! I've been wanting to check out Pixelfed but haven't found an instance, so a #CORTEXIMPLANT instance is :silverhand:
My second cup of #tea and I also let this one go cold too...what is wrong with meeeeee? 😂
#CORTEXIMPLANT now has a club called the cold brew crew, as of now, because I said so. 👀
@Sinegrave is a member of it too!
@TopinambourSansSel welcome to #corteximplant! We adore all things #cyberpunk here. :samurai:
I think I’ve finally settled on my Mastodon toolkit for all my various devices that fit my design sense and aesthetic sensibilities:
Android: @megalodon
iOS: @icecubesapp
MacOS (M1): @icecubesapp
MacOS (Intel): Glitch default Web UI with #CORTEXIMPLANT-specific CSS by @Sirs0ri (running in the Arc browser via the Tampermonkey plugin)
Honorable Mentions: (backup apps that I am monitoring and use from time to time to see how they’re progressing or because they have one or two specific features that no other client has):
Been thinking about trying out Funkwhale, Lemmy, and maybe Friendica in the future, so that may change and/or expand this list depending on which clients support what from multiple #fediverse apps. I’m not sure if there’s a “one client to rule them all” except maybe @apps, but I haven’t really explored it yet so I don’t know yet.
We shall see!
Holy cow I love this new larger character limit. Thanks #CORTEXIMPLANT admins/mods! :blobcathearthug:
oh neat -- #CORTEXIMPLANT -- okay so this is what I'm talking about, this guy that pops up randomly during #nfl broadcasts
Just to say I did it once with the new #CORTEXIMPLANT glitch features.
Drawing with my finger is hard.
I will probably not be doing this again.
playing around with the new #CORTEXIMPLANT doodle feature. This is my rendition of an f-22 chasing down an extra dimensional alien #tictac #uap over Canada.
Just a reminder to all my #CORTEXIMPLANT chooms out there: read the announcements for this instance and remember that any toots/posts/whatever-you-call-them that you make after 12:00GMT (13:00GMT+1) tomorrow won't get transferred to the new instance.
It's upgrade time! Glitch is a-comin' and bringing new features! SO EXCITED!
Also, now might be a good time to head over to the Discord server and set up your account for the downtime. :thinkaboutit: