RT FideszEP
3/1 @toth_edina: We need proper fact-finding instead of secrecy.
#COVI report lacks fact-finding about shady vaccine contracts & makes misleading conclusions about the #EU’s performance.
@europarl_en #EPlenary https://t.co/FJWxkcBsqV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FideszEP/status/1679142539532615681
📺Um 13:00 debattieren wir im #Europaparlament den neuen #COVI Bericht zur #Covid19 Pandemie!
👍🏽Wichtige Punkte zu #MECFS #PostVac Patien*innen sind drin!
👎🏽 Wir können nur stimmen, wenn wir auch globale Verantwortung für #TRIPS waiver anerkennen.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1678708308440383488
#Europaparlament #COVI #COVID19 #MECFS #PostVac #TRIPS
We need an ambitious and critical assessment, calling for real transparency, against the corporate capture of EU health policies.
The report presented to plenary falls terribly short on that. We will support all amendments improving it. https://n.respublicae.eu/HAImedicines/status/1678397825254584320
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Health Action International: Vote on #COVI report is a chance for MEPs to set the record straight. The pandemic may be over, but access to health technologies, including vaccines, remains an issue. It's unclear whether lessons on equity, transparency & accountability have been heeded by the @EU_Commission. https://t.co/2N6ou5HNMx
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BotengaM/status/1678672197785640960
Mehr Finanzmittel für Forschungsprojekte zu #LongCovid & ME/CFS – Das forderte der #COVI Ausschuss im @europarl_en gestern. Bürgerinnen&Bürger, die an Long Covid oder ME/CFS leiden, sollten eine realistische Chance auf Symptomlinderung / Heilung haben. https://www.angelika-niebler.de/sonderausschuss-zu-den-erkenntnissen-aus-der-covid-19-pandemie-gibt-empfehlungen-ab/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ANiebler/status/1668519188925693954
Appena finito di votare la relazione finale in #COVI Committe. S&D( #Pd), EPP(#FI) e RE(#IV e #Azione) uniti a difesa de CE, #VonderLeyen, case farmaceutiche e #Pfizer.Passato anche l'elogio al Covid Certificate o #greenpass che dir si voglia. Vergogna! Vi dirò nel dettaglio...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadamato634/status/1668334652443213824
#COVI #Pd #FI #IV #Azione #vonderleyen #Pfizer #greenpass
Die Ziellinie naht - Montag stimmen wir nach 15 Monaten intensivster Arbeit über den Bericht des #Covi Ausschusses im EP ab. Nun gilt es auch für #LongCovid #MECFS & #PostVac
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/karstenlucke/status/1667180062460858368
#COVI #LongCovid #MECFS #PostVac
In Commissione #COVI, nel dibattito sugli emendamenti alla bozza di relazione finale sulla gestione europea della pandemia, va in onda il coro dei rappresentanti della Commissione Europea, che ripete fino alla nausea la litania “i vaccini sono sicuri ed efficaci”. 🤢
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1650779802507386881
Very useful #COVI exchange with Eme Cooke, Ex. Director of @EMA_News on accelerating medicines’ assessments and authorisations and the Agency’s important role in addressing the risk of shortages of critical medicines and medical devices.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Kympouropoulos/status/1640378595834044416
#COVID19 vaccinations have come to a standstill in #EU&the estimated current wastage rate for #vaccines is very high.But MSs are stuck regularly buying shots that they do not need.@EU_Commission should further negotiate for a new deal-I expressed @SKyriakidesEU in #COVI Committee
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/toth_edina/status/1640355311352528900
Día importante en el Comité #COVI con la presentación del Informe borrador
🔜 Comienza el proceso de elaboración de enmiendas
🌹 @TheProgressives defenderemos una salud global, además de transparencia en la compra de vacunas y en el acceso a los materiales y tecnología
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/_AMaldonado_/status/1630607257061806081
RT @MetzTilly: I've been invited to participate in the @eaHealthEU podcast on the ongoing #Pfizer saga.
We discussed the impact of #lobbying on the EP, the role of the #COVI committee & the lack of #transparency regarding Covid-19 vaccine contracts.
Check it out 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1628419783719809027
#Pfizer #Lobbying #COVI #transparency
¿Cómo garantizar el suministro de productos sanitarios ante futuras pandemias? Hoy en el Comité #COVI hemos debatido sobre la importancia de la autonomía estratégica 🇪🇺
🗣Es necesario consenso político para una futura estrategia de infraestructura pública
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/_AMaldonado_/status/1622685633838780429
#StrategicAutonomy in health must be our utmost priority! EU needs to keep reducing dependence on 3rd countries & ensure supply chain security & continuity. Key to foster investments in Europe through attractive incentives, & support local #pharma manufacturing #COVI @EPPGroup
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Kympouropoulos/status/1622677976696426516
#StrategicAutonomy #pharma #COVI
Now in @europarl_en’s special #COVI committee👇
We must ensure the resilience of our democracies while responding to health & other crises.
The role of 🇪🇺 Parliament should be strengthened to guarantee democratic oversight.
This is key to enhance citizens’ trust in the EU.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1620357146209841152
Despite the unprecedented #pandemic challenges, democracy stood its ground. Agree with @MihailChiru @Politics_Oxford that countries with stronger democratic institutions responded better & on need to learn & ensure the next crisis finds our institutions stronger! @EPPGroup #COVI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Kympouropoulos/status/1620368493702176770
RT @TheProgressives: Now in @europarl_en’s special #COVI committee👇
We must ensure the resilience of our democracies while responding to health & other crises.
The role of 🇪🇺 Parliament should be strengthened to guarantee democratic oversight.
This is key to enhance citizens’ trust in the EU.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ale_moretti/status/1620370368010805249
We need to push for more effective cooperation between EU institutions, digitalization, introducing modern ways of working (hybrid meetings and teleworking), also to focus on efficient use of space. @EPPGroup #COVI @EP_BudgControl. 2/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/petrisarvamaa/status/1617930988339998720
💫HIGHLIGHTS of CONT meeting 23 & 24.01
🔊Hearing on control of NextGenerationEU funds. Programme http://eptwitter.eu/qACW
😷EU institutions' response to COVID-19 - evaluation with #COVI & @EUAuditors
🪙 Consideration of 2021 discharge reports
🔎Agenda http://eptwitter.eu/qACV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_BudgControl/status/1616449288183361538
After declining twice our invitations for a hearing, mr. @AlbertBourla sent his response to European Parliament #COVI Committee MEPs’ questions. He didn’t answer any of them. Pfizer CEO is just abasing and mocking EU institutions and citizens.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1612803598483877889
Alla fine di questo mio intervento con la rappresentante di #Pfizer in Commissione #COVI, ho chiesto spiegazioni sulla preannunciata (anche da lei) “nuova variante più aggressiva”, in base alla SCIENZA. Ovviamente NESSUNA RISPOSTA. https://youtu.be/hQ42gOV-zeA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1608472864230969344