If you're 3x-4x vaxxed and still get 'covid', that's not called covid; it's called 'shit-for-brains'!
The U-turns on all these 'mandatory' vaccinations is because 'they' are ready to launch the Beta version of the Social Credit System!
Well done all you pathetic covid cult members, you've successfully help develop your own self-enslavement!
#QRslaves #socialcredit #COVIDCult
Right Now | Gareth Icke Talks To Australian Aboriginal Elder ~ DavidIcke
A look at the oppression and camps in Australia, from an Aboriginal Elder. People being injected with the ‘vaccines’ while they are passed out, etc.
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#genocide #australia #au #news #press #crime #covid #concentrationCamps #health #covidvax #nuremburg #covidCult #vaccines #covidVax
#vaccines #COVIDCult #Nuremburg #covidvax #health #concentrationcamps #COVID #crime #press #news #au #australia #genocide
This current collective psychosis has the vast majority sleepwalking their way into tyranny!
Mass self-enslavement!
#WakeUp #Share #selfenslavement #thornydevil #sheeple #covidcult
#selfenslavement #thornydevil #sheeple #wakeup #share #COVIDCult
Vaccine passports are definitely going to be made a permanent item.
It won't be the corrupted governments enforcing & ensuring that it comes. It'll be due to the demand of the weak & scared sheeple! The pathetic covid cultists will force it & government will oblige.
The absolute 'must see' interview that was immediately banned from all platforms because there is so much truth bombs exploding in it!
#DavidIcke #covid #Truth #TruthMatters #FactsMatter #CovidCult #TruthBombs
#davidicke #covid #truth #truthmatters #factsmatter #COVIDCult #truthbombs
The word science has lost all weight and meaning in any conversation!
Every death within 48 hrs from the vaccine should be considered as murder!
#COVIDCult #murder #VaccineIsMurder #davidicke #vaccines