Global News BC: B.C. reports fewest patients in hospital with COVID-19 in over a year #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #b.c.coronavirushospital #coronavirushospitla #bccoronavirus #COVIDhospital #CovidDeaths #COVIDupdate #COVID-19 #Immunity #bccovid #Vaccine #Health #COVID
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #coronavirushospitla #bccoronavirus #COVIDhospital #COVIDdeaths #COVIDupdate #covid #immunity #bccovid #Vaccine #health
Global News BC: COVID-19 cases in B.C. hospitals, provincewide test positivity dip slightly #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #covid-19canada #bccoronavirus #bccovidudpate #covidvaccine #covid-19news #CovidDeaths #BcVaccine #COVID-19 #bccovid #Health #COVID
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covid #bccoronavirus #bccovidudpate #covidvaccine #COVIDdeaths #BcVaccine #bccovid #health
Matt Hancock - Pandemic Diaries, Pandemic Deaths #MattHancock #PandemicDiaries #PandemicDeaths #Covid #CovidDeaths #CareHome #CareHomes
#matthancock #PandemicDiaries #PandemicDeaths #covid #COVIDdeaths #CareHome #carehomes
I see the rigtht wing rags The Sun and Daily Mail are trying to smoothe over Matt Hancock's role in the deaths of tens of thousands of covid victims and rehabilitate him.
#MattHancock #CovidDeaths