It's weird how no one has ever debated the efficacy of N95 masks against tuberculosis. Everyone agrees they work on that airborne illness. Odd, that. #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #WearAMask
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #WearAMask
The following text is an excerpt from the linked article, posted 2023-09-10:
We don’t really talk about coronavirus at all... This has only been encouraged by the government, which has honed the message “Covid is over”, as if saying this somehow makes it so... the result is a kind of mass denial – an agreed forgetting. The subject crops up from time to time. A breaking news banner announces a new variant. A friend texts that she’s stuck in bed “with the worst summer cough”. Then we carry on – until we are forced to remember once again...
...the daily number of positive coronavirus tests in England has been increasing since the end of June – a trend that is likely to grow in the coming weeks, as we socialise more indoors and children mix at school... at last count, 1.5 million people [in the UK alone] were experiencing long Covid symptoms that adversely affected their daily activities, and the virus still poses a significant risk of death to many people...
While some healthcare workers are taking precautions at their own discretion, NHS staff in England don’t have to wear a mask, and the majority who have respiratory symptoms are no longer asked to test for Covid. That means a patient with lung disease could be forced to get treatment from a nurse with a Covid cough...
The trouble is, denial is not a long-term plan. Coronavirus is effectively a fire. Ignoring it doesn’t stop the virus – it just lets the damage spread. The paradox of the pandemic has always been that the only way to “move on” is to actually engage with it...
But it also means confronting our impulse to believe that all of this is unnecessary and arduous. Even the phrase “Covid restrictions” – a term used by almost every media outlet – is loaded, suggesting low-key mitigations are heavy burdens rather than simple ways to free clinically vulnerable people. That the virus primarily “only” affects those with underlying health conditions has always been the unspoken excuse for indifference.
#covid #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #covidisongoing
So my brother, who stopped masking, casually mentioned that he was the only person wearing a mask when he went to get a blood test last week. He also said he really hopes they reinstate mask mandates in healthcare in BC. This was after I relayed the experiences of some chronically ill and disabled folx I know on hear while accessing healthcare. Maybe there's hope in getting him back on the anti-eugenics wagon.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
"TOMORROW, the 12th of Sept… The CDC will have its ACIP meeting to discuss COVID vaccines and decide who gets to have protection or not for the next year… This article is to help people who want to contact the ACIP members and bring this data to their attention… or at least we can know they have been made aware of it."
Lots of information on how vaccines work, and the advantages of Novavax. From @The_Peoples_Strategist
#CovidIsNotOver #covid #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp @novid
#CovidIsNotOver #covid #COVIDisAirborne #maskup
One of our team members just enrolled in this to test out the system. Their tests shipped in under 3 hours and arrived the next day. 🤯 [head exploding emoji]
🧐 Please note:
[focused monacle face emoji]
The signup has a few nosy questions, which are mandatory. One was about whether you identify as a marginalized gender. Another asked whether you have avoided healthcare recently and why. (Incredibly "covid" wasn't an option? Nevermind "covid expsosure risk in unmasked healthcare settings." Okay! 🫠)
We presume from the phrasing that these are for demographic research purposes.
🤩 One nice thing:
[starry eyed emoji]
You do NOT need to use the provided tests to access telehealth support or antivirals, so no need to save them for a special occasion.
You can use ANY FDA-approved covid test and still qualify for all features of the program, running thru April 2024.
Enrollment and more info here:
#CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne
#BringBackMasks #MutualAid #MappingMasking #TestToTreat
#covidisntover #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #mutualaid #mappingmasking #testtotreat
Now that we're all here, how about a little ice breaker?
We know every face is unique, and it can take experimentation to find that comfortable fit that also gives a good seal.
We also know different masks are often great in different situations, even for the same face.
But if you had to pick just one mask, which mask are you wearing?
And why do you love it so much???
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Are you a 3M Aura trifold baby, classic yet flexible? We'd definitely understand that.
Maybe you like an expansive life that really makes you sing and prefer a Gerson 3230 duckbill. Plenty of room here for that, too.
Or do you prefer the solidity and less wastefulness of an elastomeric life? Eco conscious AND a tight seal??? Kinda hot tbh.
There's almost as many reasons to love a great mask as there are great mask options to love.
Let us know your go-to (and what makes it so great) in the replies!
#CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne
#BringBackMasks #MutualAid #MappingMasking
#covidisntover #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #mutualaid #mappingmasking
Probably the most frequent conversation we have about this project (besides the project itself) is how much we all despise the fact it's necessary in the first place.
Community care is and will always be essential. But regular folks should never have to spend their valuable labor compensating for total public abandonment.
#CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne
#BringBackMasks #MutualAid #MappingMasking #StopCopCity
ID: Screenshot of a tweet by Muting/Blocking Self Care (@ QueeringPsych) that reads:
I hate having to put so much of my brain energy towards avoiding & surviving COVID
I really resent the gov abandoning us so my household has to do so much to make for that lack of support
I'd rather COVID survival care packages or stipends from the gov instead of cop cities
15:06 10 Sep 23 7,779 Views
#covidisntover #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #mutualaid #mappingmasking #StopCopCity
Hey #festivals Halifax Fringe is doing the right thing so masks are REQUIRED. How about you other festivals? What's your excuse?
"Halifax Fringe 2023 is MASK MANDATORY festival! Please remember to bring a mask with you to all shows. We will have masks available at all of our box office locations if you cannot bring one with you. Thank you for your care and support by wearing a mask!"
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid19 #LongCOVID #WearAMask
#festivals #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid19 #LongCOVID #WearAMask
Want to talk about the New Normal? The New Normal is wearing N95 masks. Get used to it or get sick. #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #WearAMask
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #WearAMask
»… because they all love me so much.«
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid #covid19 #BillGates #antivaxxers @novid
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid #covid19 #BillGates #antivaxxers
Here's some quick comparison photos of many of the duckbill n95s that tend to be on sale.
From top to bottom: ACI, Jackson Safety, Blox, and Gerson.
ACI and Jackson seem to be near identical dimensions, including opening and very similar headband material ("bicomponent elastomer material").
Blox and Gerson are smaller and have smaller openings (and seem to fit better on me personally). Blox has cloth elastic straps, and Gerson has rubber ones. They have more substantial nose wires than ACI and Gerson and seem better suited for possible re-wearing.
All are comfortable and breathable!
#MasksWork #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
I think I'm just going to start offering minimizers like $500 if they can prove to me, with primary sources, that I'm being silly for wearing my mask. It forces them to look into the science and they'll never get my money.
#BringBackMasks #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
How many of you never stopped masking at work/school/play/on public transit/while in shops/in healthcare?
Thank you.
Do we care whether we can see your smile? Not a jot.
Do we want to mitigate the spread of #COVID19? Yes.
Are we ALL vulnerable? Yes.
#COVID19 #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne
2023 September publication
#MASKUP with a high quality filtration mask & wear it properly
Shave facial hairs and get used to good fit
#MaskUp #SarsCoV2 #mpxv #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
I'm cautiously hopeful that we may be looking at the first tangible victory for people in the Covid story in BC for a very long time. @protect_bc, Do No Harm, Masks4EastVan and others deserve credit for pushing the government tenaciously. If we can win this, we can get the schools too, in time. You wait and see. #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #BCpoli
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #BCpoli
@Ralph @LightFIAR 🙌😍🤩😲 Holy cow I LOVE IT! I want it!
#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver #Covidcautious #CovidConscious #Covid #PrecautionaryPrinciple #PPE #personalprotectiveequipment
#COVIDisAirborne #covidisntover #COVIDcautious #COVIDConscious #covid #precautionaryprinciple #ppe #personalprotectiveequipment
"Wie wäre es eigentlich, man würde statt über #Jogginghosen über Raumluft-Qualität in Klassenzimmern sprechen? #Schule #Infektionsschutz #SARSCoV2 #COVIDisAirborne"
(Isabella Eckerle)
#COVIDisAirborne #SarsCoV2 #Infektionsschutz #schule #jogginghosen
Here’s why even mildly symptomatic people shouldn’t attend school…they’re exhaling high viral loads for 8 days! Even if vaccinated.
Schools are crowded with poor air quality.
Northwestern University invented a device to measure amounts of SARS2 viral particles breathed out by people.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #LongCOVID
More people need to know that The Boss has Long Covid. This could be Long Covid's Rock Hudson moment. #LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid
#LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid