Cooles Projekt! Wer mit den #Homecomputer|n der 80er aufgewachsen ist (egal ob #8bit oder #16bit) und sich für Spiele interessiert hat, kennt sie garantiert: die #ASM. Jetzt gibt es eine Neuauflage der Kultzeitschrift:
#retrogaming #Retrocomputing #amstrad #commodore #amiga #c64 #zxspectrum #msx #atari #schneider #cpc
#homecomputer #8bit #16bit #asm #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #AMSTRAD #commodore #amiga #c64 #zxspectrum #msx #atari #schneider #CPC
Looks like Lemmy and Alice Cooper in the very cool Rockstar ate my Hamster by Codemasters.
Going to listen some Ace of Spades now. 🎸
Abortion Clinics And Misleading Google Maps [geoethics]
-- <-- shared GeoEthics article
- <-- shared media article
“[A] new analysis by Bloomberg has found the [Google Maps] platform routinely misleads people searching for abortion providers and clinics. When users search the words “abortion clinic” in Google Maps, nearly a quarter of the top 10 search results, on average and across all 50 states including Washington D.C., belong to crisis pregnancy centers. Crisis pregnancy centers, or CPCs, are a type of non-medical organizations with a mission to encourage women to go through with their unwanted pregnancies…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Google #GoogleMaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicsmatters #ethicalresearch #maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
#gis #spatial #mapping #google #googlemaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicalresearch #Maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
Hmm... This isn't how I remember the end screen of Head Over Heels! 🤔🤣
#ZXSpectrum #MSX #Commodore #Amiga #C64 #Retrogames #Amstrad #CPC #PCW #Atari #AtariST #RetroComputing #Gamedev #Indiedev #Gaming #Gamer #Games #Computing #SAMCoupe #8bit #Z80
#Coronation #zxspectrum #msx #Commodore #amiga #c64 #retrogames #amstrad #CPC #pcw #atari #AtariST #retrocomputing #gamedev #indiedev #gaming #gamer #games #Computing #SAMCoupe #8bit #z80
The gambling vertical is one of the most important trends in the 2023 affiliate industry 🔥
Don't miss your opportunity to get more profits. Join ADxAD, choose our hot GEOs and drive gambling traffic:
🔴 CPC Pops 0,2$. CPM Banners 0,05$ (5M-10M imps per day). US DE JP FR GB IT CN BR IN ES CA MY EG PL NL PH TH MX
#adxad #cpc #cpm #gambling #affiliatebusiness #adnetwork #tech #IT #business #marketing #online
#adxad #CPC #cpm #gambling #affiliatebusiness #adnetwork #tech #it #business #marketing #online
Hey friends!
Let us start this week with ADxAD's hot verticals and GEO’s 😍
Join ADxAD:
#adxad #cpm #cpc #betting #gambling #dating #affiliatemarketing
#adxad #cpm #CPC #betting #gambling #dating #affiliatemarketing My late mother, normally a Conservative voter, refused to vote for them at all during Harper's reign because, in her words, "he looks sneaky". I shudder to think of what she would say about the scheming, snivelling, loathsome little turd currently leading the #CPC . #cdnpoli #Poilievre #TaxpayerFundedParasite
#CPC #cdnpoli #poilievre #taxpayerfundedparasite
Today we played intensively Pirates by Sid Meier from 1987 on the #AmstradCPC. Still a very fascinating #game and it's where #gaming was hitting real life. I told my son:
"Now you have to find your sister."
"No. WHY?! It only will get loud around here."
"But you will also get a part of a treasure map then."
"Ok, let's go and find my sister!"
#retrogames #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #amstrad #cpc #8bit
#amstradcpc #game #Gaming #retrogames #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #AMSTRAD #CPC #8bit
Hot Asian GEO's from ADxAD 💥
High profits from your advertising campaigns in Asian GEO’s are guaranteed! Hurry up and go to your personal client cabinet and place traffic in our hot GEOs Japan, China, Vietnam and Korea (CPC from $0.03) 💰
Sign up and get more profit:
#cpm #cpc #adnetwork #highprofit #adxad #traffic #money #IT #tech #internet #asia #affiliate #
#cpm #CPC #adnetwork #highprofit #adxad #traffic #money #it #tech #internet #asia #affiliate
Funny, how ways are crossing here in the fediverse. I'm following you due to your interesting #cycling history and also took notice your Amiga relation. If you want to take a look back on your routes you should consider playing Pinball Dreams (released in 2019) on a #Amstrad #CPC. Epic on #Amiga and also on the CPC.
The weather forced us to have another #Retrozock today. :-) We played Fruity Frank, Pinball Dreams, Puzzle Bobble, Burning Rubber and Megablasters on #Amstrad #CPC.
Additional soundtrack by Instant Remedy, Press Play On Tape, Chris Huelsbeck, Rob Hubbard, LukHash, Jeroen Tel and others.
#amstradcpc #retrogaming #retrocomputing #8bit #InstantRemedy #PressPlayOnTape #LukHash #RobHubbard #ChrisHuelsbeck #JeroenTel #Gaming
#retrozock #AMSTRAD #CPC #amstradcpc #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #8bit #instantremedy #pressplayontape #lukhash #robhubbard #chrishuelsbeck #jeroentel #Gaming
Hey, friends! ADxAD is looking for advertisers who are interested in HQ Asian and WW traffic!
Join us and you will get:
1. Easy User Interface.
2. 24/7 support system.
3. A wide range of verticals.
Gaming, dating, betting, gambling, nutra and etc. Also you can monetize your websites with us!
4. WW GEO.
Join us, choose the right traffic and make money with us:
#cpm #cpc #gambling #betting #traffic #advertisers #nutra #dating #gaming #adxad #advertising #network #internet #IT #business
#cpm #CPC #gambling #betting #traffic #advertisers #nutra #dating #gaming #adxad #advertising #network #internet #it #business
Today the weather is not really nice. So it's another good opportunity for a #retrozock at the #AmstradCPC. And since #cycling outside is not possible (not only caused by the weather...) Milk Race was a good choice. One could say it's the spiritual father of #zwift. 😂
Read more about the real Milk Race here:
#retrozock #amstradcpc #cycling #zwift #CPC #AMSTRAD #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #retrogames
Today the weather is not really nice. So it's another good opportunity for a #retrozock at the #AmstradCPC. And since #cycling outside is not possible (not only caused by the weather...) Milk Race was a good choice. One could say it's the spiritual father of #zwift. 😂
Read more about the real Milk Race here:
#retrozock #amstradcpc #cycling #zwift #CPC #AMSTRAD
Hey, friends! ADxAD is looking for advertisers who are interested in HQ Asian and WW traffic!
Join us and you will get:
1. Easy User Interface.
2. 24/7 support system.
3. A wide range of verticals.
Gaming, dating, betting, gambling, nutra and etc. Also you can monetize your websites with us!
4. WW GEO.
Join us, choose right traffic and make money with us:
#cpm #cpc #gambling #betting #traffic #advertisers #nutra #dating #gaming
#cpm #CPC #gambling #betting #traffic #advertisers #nutra #dating #gaming
Not that this is the best design ever but working on the #codepenchallenge for subgrid by showing some of my favorite Halo maps. Definitely love how easy it is to align items.
It's time to run dating traffic! 😉
Geo: JP, US, DE
Creative advice: girls with a call to meet; girl's parameters and height
Join ADxAD and start earning with dating vertical:
#adxad #affiliatemarketing #dating #affiliatebusiness #performancemarketing #adnetwork #cpm #cpc
#adxad #affiliatemarketing #dating #affiliatebusiness #performancemarketing #adnetwork #cpm #CPC
Just noticed that a new #demo for the #AmstradCPC Plus was released: Tempus Fugit by #Impact. Will give it a go on my Plus tomorrow once I get off the #gravel bike. But I'm sure it won't last long before a video of it appears on YouTube.
#demo #amstradcpc #impact #gravel #demoscene #AMSTRAD #CPC #8bit #Retrocomputing
I like the idea of creating a world map with CPCs and their users. If you are a CPC user, you can participate here:
You can find more information about the project here:
I'm just not sure how the guys will keep it up to date or protect it against vandalism. But for now, let's add everyone to the map. 🙂
#Retrocomputing #AMSTRAD #CPC #amstradcpc #8bit