▶️ Missed us at #CPDP2022? The panel recordings are now available online! Watch our Program Director, Romain Robert, discuss the potential and challenges of judicial actions for GDPR infringements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV3T0UezVoU&list=UUnb-zwdhW2BbI9V_Yq5OvFQ&index=49
📬 Nym will eigenes Darknet erschaffen
#Datenschutz #chelseamanning #CPDP2022 #Nym #Token #TORNetzwerk https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/nym-will-eigenes-darknet-erschaffen-242671.html
#tornetzwerk #token #nym #CPDP2022 #chelseamanning #datenschutz
RT @taschn@twitter.com
Truly enjoyed my first @CPDPconferences@twitter.com especially this panel tackling ‘Power over data and algorithms: can we get it back? with @PaulNemitz@twitter.com @ShmaeganM@twitter.com @mikarv@twitter.com @szymielewicz@twitter.com plus @AdaLovelaceInst@twitter.com and meeting @a_a_tamo@twitter.com @eduardfosch@twitter.com @MidasNouwens@twitter.com @FusterGloria@twitter.com & more #CPDP2022
In fast-changing times, where we have competing priorities and exponential levels of technological development, there is a great need to address the vulnerability of people.
Which means to give people real choices, real opportunities & sincere opinions @W_Wiewiorowski #CPDP2022
#Privacy in the resilient state of human condition means providing people w/ choices and opportunities about their own information.
It is our moral duty during such transitional times to maintain sight of the human-centric approach to fundamental rights @W_Wiewiorowski #CPDP2022
Today marks the 4th anniversary of #GDPR, a landmark piece of legislation, which was crafted with one main objective: to ensure real, consistent, and effective implementation of the fundamental rights to #dataprotection and #privacy @W_Wiewiorowski #CPDP2022 1/2
#GDPR #dataprotection #privacy #CPDP2022
'Privacy in the resilient state of human condition'
Closing remarks by #EDPS @W_Wiewiorowski at #CPDP2022
Watch the video at https://tube.network.europa.eu/w/aTx3DYwH1km2gTEn9gKpah
Read the speech at https://europa.eu/!qHm7VH
'Privacy in the resilient state of human condition'
Closing remarks by #EDPS @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com at #CPDP2022
Watch the video at https://tube.network.europa.eu/w/aTx3DYwH1km2gTEn9gKpah
Read the speech at https://europa.eu/!qHm7VH
Today marks the 4th anniversary of #GDPR, a landmark piece of legislation, which was crafted with one main objective: to ensure real, consistent, and effective implementation of the fundamental rights to #dataprotection and #privacy @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com #CPDP2022 1/2
#GDPR #dataprotection #privacy #CPDP2022
#Privacy in the resilient state of human condition means providing people w/ choices and opportunities about their own information.
It is our moral duty during such transitional times to maintain sight of the human-centric approach to fundamental rights @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com #CPDP2022
In fast-changing times, where we have competing priorities and exponential levels of technological development, there is a great need to address the vulnerability of people.
Which means to give people real choices, real opportunities & sincere opinions @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com #CPDP2022
.@MAttoresi@twitter.com at #CPDP2022: Codes of conduct and certifications can be valuable tools to demonstrate compliance when using #syntheticdata and other techniques aiming at anonymising #personaldata @CPDPconferences@twitter.com
#CPDP2022 #syntheticdata #PersonalData
Adequate use of synthetic data can be helpful to protect individuals, yet accompanying safeguards and accountability are key - @MAttoresi@twitter.com in panel by @unito@twitter.com on ‘Synthetic data meet the #GDPR: Opportunities and challenges for scientific research and #AI’ #CPDP2022 @CPDPconferences@twitter.com
RT @1Br0wn@twitter.com
.@PaulNemitz@twitter.com: we need a mixed public/private economy of platform infrastructure, in the same way Europe has public AND private broadcasters and banks #CPDP2022 https://twitter.com/gabrielazanfir/status/1529401747076169729
RT @m_mariastefania@twitter.com
there’s a very visible shift at #CPDP2022 - I hear many critical voices on how focus on individual control over data is flawed and privileged, and that instead we should go for a collective approach and reclaiming power. Something has changed.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/m_mariastefania/status/1529414022323478528
RT @Taner_Kuru_@twitter.com
“Power over data and #algorithms: can we get it back?” @PaulNemitz@twitter.com @ShmaeganM@twitter.com @mikarv@twitter.com @szymielewicz@twitter.com discussed the answer. You know a panel is 💯 when speakers disagree & people stay instead of going to lunch break @CPDPconferences@twitter.com #CPDP2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Taner_Kuru_/status/1529441595564642304
RT @JcMalgieri@twitter.com
Happy to see that “participation” of impacted people is a key point of today’s discussion at @AdaLovelaceInst@twitter.com #CPDP2022 panel with @ShmaeganM@twitter.com @szymielewicz@twitter.com @mikarv@twitter.com @PaulNemitz@twitter.com @RaviNa1k@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JcMalgieri/status/1529402343019642881
RT @AdaLovelaceInst@twitter.com
Today at #CPDP2022, and on the 4th anniversary of GDPR, Ada has organised a panel: Power over data and algorithms - can we get it back?
@RaviNa1k@twitter.com (moderator)
🕥10:45AM GMT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdaLovelaceInst/status/1529373173145292801
RT @vfranz73@twitter.com
Great #CPDP2022 panel sharing insights from forthcoming @AdaLovelaceInst@twitter.com report on how to reclaim our digital public square infrastructure. For example, we need to force separation of functions in the current platform economy says @PaulNemitz@twitter.com
RT @z_mugdadi@twitter.com
.@AdaLovelaceInst@twitter.com panel on power over #data & #algorithms: can we get it back? @PaulNemitz@twitter.com’s message is unequivocal about the primacy of #democracy over #tech & the need for public authorities & civil society to reclaim the (online) space. #CPDP2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/z_mugdadi/status/1529408011554459649
#data #algorithms #democracy #tech #CPDP2022