Global News BC: Officials attempting to identify body found in aftermath of fire near Kelowna encampment #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #homelessencampmentinKelowna #kelownaencampmentfire #KelownaFireDepartment #CauseOfDeathUnknown #Cpl.MichaelGauthier #BodyFoundinKelowna #Kelownafire #millcreek #SpallRoad #Spall #Fire #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #homelessencampmentinkelowna #kelownaencampmentfire #kelownafiredepartment #causeofdeathunknown #CPL #bodyfoundinkelowna #kelownafire #millcreek #spallroad #spall #fire
Global News BC: Mounties safely dispose of potentially explosive situation at Keremeos landfill #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #KeremeosTransferStation #CanadianArmedForces #Keremeoslandfill #Cpl.JamesGrandy #ElRanchoDrive #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #keremeostransferstation #CanadianArmedForces #keremeoslandfill #CPL #elranchodrive #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: Teen boys increasingly targeted by sextortionists: Kelowna RCMP #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Okanagansextortioncasesontherise #summerbreaksextortion #VulnerablePersonsUnit #Cpl.TimRussell #KelownaRCMP #SocialMedia #Sextortion #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #okanagansextortioncasesontherise #summerbreaksextortion #vulnerablepersonsunit #CPL #KelownaRCMP #socialmedia #Sextortion #crime
Global News BC: One dead following house fire in Summerland #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #elderlywomandiesinfire #SummerlandHouseFire #Cpl.JamesGrandy #CanyonViewRoad #summerland #FatalFire #penticton #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #elderlywomandiesinfire #summerlandhousefire #CPL #canyonviewroad #summerland #fatalfire #penticton #fire
Global News BC: Five of eight Canadian Premier League teams set to make playoffs this season #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #canadianpremierleagueplayoffformat #canadianpremierleagueplayoffs #CanadianPremierLeague #cplplayoffformat #CanadianSoccer #soccerplayoffs #cplplayoffs #marknoonan #Sports #CPL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #canadianpremierleagueplayoffformat #canadianpremierleagueplayoffs #CanadianPremierLeague #cplplayoffformat #CanadianSoccer #soccerplayoffs #cplplayoffs #marknoonan #sports #CPL
Global News BC: Kelowna parents warned to monitor kids online after 2 arrested in child pornography investigation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KelownaRCMPICEunit #ChildExploitation #Chidexploitation #ChildPornography #Cpl.JamesJenkins #KidsOnlineSafety #KelownaRCMP #TeensOnline #Crime #Apps
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownarcmpiceunit #ChildExploitation #chidexploitation #childpornography #CPL #kidsonlinesafety #KelownaRCMP #teensonline #crime #apps
As aircrafts with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability are expanding more and more in the #aviation market, #EASA found it necessary to proceed with the development of comprehensive flight crew licensing requirements for manned VTOL-capable aircraft.
Additionally, NPA 2022-06 proposed to introduce a new article in C. Reg. (EU) No 1178/2011 that would allow #CPL(A) and CPL(H) holders to add a VTOL-capable aircraft type rating to their license without the need to obtain a separate one.
Global News BC: Canadian Premier League teams add young soccer talent to rosters via U Sports draft #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CanadianPremierLeague #Professionalsoccer #CPLUSportsDraft #CanadianSoccer #SoccerinCanada #AnthonyWhite #AmeerKinani #Men'ssoccer #CPLsoccer #Canada #Soccer #CPL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CanadianPremierLeague #Professionalsoccer #CPLUSportsDraft #CanadianSoccer #SoccerinCanada #AnthonyWhite #AmeerKinani #men #CPLsoccer #Canada #soccer #CPL
As everyone is busy watching WC, let me sneak in radars for 4 best goal scorers from Challengers Pro League (#CPL) 22-23
T barry (20) - @SKBeveren
L Rocha (25) - @Lierse_K
Stassin (17) - @rscaneerpede
Baeten (20) - @kbeerschotva
Different styles!
#footballanalytics #hiddengems #FutureStars #CPL
Finally someone calls out the Faths. They've been bad owners since their NASL days. Good night #FCED. Hopefully they get a new football specific stadium. Play back at Foote Field temporarily. I'm sure there is land for a downtown stadium. #yeg #cpl
#CPL (Belgium 2nd div) today!
CPL fans, here is shot volume vs average chance quality
T Barry (20) of @SKBeveren is one of the breakout stars of the season and πat him!!
Stassin (17) of @rscanderlecht is also on π₯
Also, Mbokani! still king of high-quality chances π
Lots of interesting young players who can become stars in future
Keep an eye π
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