Tomorrow at #Devoxx
Poland I’ll try once again to untangle myths from facts about #CQRS.
I talked about that last year a lot and I still will continue my preacher role, but maybe focus on other aspects. So this will be the last chance for some time to see this talk.
See you there?
If you can’t make it then check my article with a quick summary of my message 🙂👇
But that's not all, on Tuesday, thanks to an invitation from Kostas Stroggylos, I'll be talking at the #DDDGreece meetup about Facts and Myths about #CQRS!
It will be my second time, as I had the chance to speak online during pandemic, but it'll be great to see friends from Greece in person!
Feel invited!
🇵🇱 W ostatnim odcinku Patoarchitekci śmiałem się, że wyskakuję z lodówki z #EventSourcing. Lepiej sprawdź lodówkę, czy już nie wyjadłem Twojej sałatki warzywnej! Oto i dowód!
W ostatnim odcinku #BetterSoftwareDesign, dzięki gościnie Mariusza Gila pogadaliśmy o tym, o czym enigmatyczny skrót #CQRS nie jest.
Na pewno nie jest wzrocem globalnym architektonicznym, nie wymaga wielu baz danych, nie wnosi dodatkowego stopnia skomplikowania.
Posłuchaj i podeślij feedback!
#eventsourcing #bettersoftwaredesign #CQRS
Did you think about blogging every week for over 2 years? That's what I do! I keep the streak since the 29th of November.
Having a streak is nice but the content matters. If you're searching for content around #EventSourcing, #CQRS, #EventDrivenArchitecture, then I you gonna like it!
I'm showing the pragmatic and actionable side of it.
Still, I'm not the only event-driven guy. I also share my thoughts on our industry, architecture and coding life.
Happy reading!
#eventsourcing #CQRS #eventdrivenarchitecture
Wow, my talk on showing that #CQRS is not as hard as it’s pictured got over 1200 views in one day 🙌🎉
Happy to see such interest and that I reached so many people as it’s an important topic to me 🙂
Last week I gave a talk at the Swetugg conference showing that #CQRS in .NET doesn’t have to be complicated.
.NET is getting smaller, which is great, because what we call minimal in other is normal.
During the talk, I wanted to bust myths about #CQRS, and explain that’s not about storage, messaging etc. but about slicing our architecture by behaviour.
By that, we get reduced cognitive load and keep things together that are changing at the same time.
I was scared that not many people will show up to my talk, as it was during the lunch break, but it appeared otherwise. The room was packed 🤯
I hope that I persuaded that #CQRS is about behaviour, not the storage, state, messaging etc.
You can see the full backing code to it: 🙂
On my way to the Swetugg conference where I’ll try to persuade that #CQRS is not so hard as it’s pictured 🙂
More on it:
If you won’t be there, or you’d like to get a sneak peek of my code samples, check my repo:
Excited, as it’ll be my first time in Sweden! 🇸🇪
‼️ i wrote a book! 🎉
it was my pandemic project. i was approached at the end of 2020 by my would-be editor after presenting on the topic, and here we are now with my words in print. its wild.
the vast majority of the book is implementation-agnostic.
we are no longer bound by the constraints of the past.
we should be looking forward on how to build for the future.
i’d love to know what you think.
#eventsourcing #CQRS #graphql #architecture
Is there anything you ever wanted to know about the combination of #NeosFlow #GraphQL #EventSourcing #CQRS #ReactJS and #Relay? Then please let me know! Maybe I can answer your question in my talk on Saturday at #neoscon #neoscms
#NeosFlow #GraphQL #EventSourcing #CQRS #ReactJS #Relay #NeosCon #neoscms