[Worth a reminder...]
Sign the petition: Stephen Miller has got to go https://act.credoaction.com/sign/condemn-miller #CancelMiller via #CREDOMobile #Politics #USofA #StopDrUMPf
#CancelMiller #CREDOMobile #stopdrumpf #politics #usofa
#USHouseOfRepresentatives just quietly extended the government's legal power of #surveillance on phone calls. #Section215 https://act.credoaction.com/sign/repeal-section-215 via #CREDOMobile #Politics #USCongress #USofA
#surveillance #CREDOMobile #politics #uscongress #ushouseofrepresentatives #section215 #usofa
#USCongress must pass legislation to #PutPatientsFirst and permanently block #DrUMPf-Pence from legalizing discrimination in health care https://act.credoaction.com/sign/put-patients-first via #CREDOMobile #PutPatientsFirst #Politics #USofA
#putpatientsfirst #CREDOMobile #politics #drumpf #usofa #uscongress
Sign if you agree: Don't privatize the post office https://act.credoaction.com/sign/postmaster-general-privatization via #CREDOMobile #USPS #Politics #USofA
#usofa #CREDOMobile #usps #politics
Tell #Hilton and #Unilever: Stop using #FacialRecognition for hiring.
#hilton #unilever #facialrecognition #CREDOMobile #surveillance
Sign if you agree: #MitchMcConnell puts #USofA democracy at risk https://act.credoaction.com/sign/mcconnell-election-security via #CREDOMobile #Politics
#mitchmcconnell #usofa #CREDOMobile #politics
Sign if you agree: Say no to #Scalia https://act.credoaction.com/sign/scalia-labor via #CREDOMobile #Politics #USofA
#scalia #CREDOMobile #politics #usofa