Man. I has the sads.

Had to leave the family chat group today because they defended Kendi's comments about white people adopting black children.

My wife and I are white people who adopted black children. And I'm the one who shared his comments with them. 🤦‍♂️

#2020Sucks #criticalracetheory #CriticalRaceTheoryIsRacism #crt #CRTIsRacism #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago

Man. I has the sads.

Had to leave the family chat group today because they defended Kendi's comments about white people adopting black children.

My wife and I are white people who adopted black children. And I'm the one who shared his comments with them. 🤦‍♂️

#2020Sucks #criticalracetheory #CriticalRaceTheoryIsRacism #crt #CRTIsRacism #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago