The Man Who Laughed is a crushingly sad book... and I just finished the two (or three) introductions (that are obviously chapters Hugo stuck in there because he couldn't part w/ them. They may be the cruelest yet. I'm a bit scared to continue.
#imaceleb #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere
Appalling the treatment of live animals in I’M A CELEBRITY, GET ME OUT OF HERE - dismissing them all as #critters – concealing the harm they do in these filming conditions. Who breeds and collects these bucket loads of animals to be tipped on and crawled upon by #Celebrities ? #itvstudios #AntandDec #BoyGeorge #itv #animal #wellfare #CRUELTY #anthropocene #ecolology #zoo #television #realitytv
#imaceleb #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere #critters #celebrities #itvstudios #AntandDec #BoyGeorge #itv #animal #wellfare #CRUELTY #anthropocene #ecolology #zoo #television #realitytv