Human 3500 · @human3500
158 followers · 1506 posts · Server

@pseudonym Yes it's a pain, but isolating in the same house works. I only wish I had all these that I have now back at the time. I'm hoping / assuming you have at least two. Good luck.


Last updated 1 year ago

Human 3500 · @human3500
148 followers · 1290 posts · Server

I've wired the fans together. I used some segments of cat 5 cable and pushed the wire into the existing plug and then connected all the positives and grounds.

I've cut the material for sides. I've gone back to using cardboard because it's light and fast to cut and it will tape well to the filters. Taping things gives a better air seal. Don't @ me on this design choice until you've built a couple .

I've also dug up a vintage Brown light switch for the power. I'll mount that on the side of the box.


Last updated 1 year ago

Human 3500 · @human3500
145 followers · 1227 posts · Server

The middle four mounting holes will be used to create a carrying handle so I can move this purifier around with one hand. I move my around all the time to remove smoke from whatever room we are using.


Last updated 1 year ago

TheBird · @TheBird
1053 followers · 1081 posts · Server

This is a damn good article that EVERYONE should read. clarion.unity-struggle-unity.o

Here's an excerpt of the start of the article (the article digs into the details of how we got to where we are today and the harm class collusion is doing to keep a broken, oppressive system functional at the cost of human lives):

"We have been betrayed. For three years, we have been abandoned, misled, shepherded to our dooms. Millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been disabled. All the while, respectable faces with plastered-on grins breathlessly offer hopeful platitudes, assuring us we’ll all be ok. Just trust the system.

You could be forgiven for not realizing we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, considering the total absence of media coverage. If it was important, you’d surely be hearing about it, right? The last variant you heard about was likely omicron. The last you heard about vaccines was likely “we strongly encourage everyone to get boosted.” The last you heard about masks was that they work, but they’re not required. And why would you bother wearing masks anyway if, as the United States president himself proclaimed, “The pandemic is over”?

Here’s the truth: the pandemic is not over. It’s much worse than you have been led to believe. And unless you’ve spent the past several years reading scientific studies on the subject, it can be hard to convey just how wrong the public perception of COVID really is. Everything from how it’s spread, to how it’s prevented, to what it does once it’s in your body, is being tragically misunderstood.

None of this is an accident. It’s not your “fault” if you aren’t a virologist, immunologist, epidemiologist, or evolutionary biologist. It’s the job of experts and trusted voices to convey the truth and give you guidance. Not only have they failed at this, they have engaged in an active disinformation campaign dedicated to making the pandemic “disappear”. This has not been the result of a classic caricature of conspiracy — some tiny council of elites, gathered in the shadows to craft policy out of whole cloth. What we’re actually witnessing is the quiet collusion of class interest. This form of conspiracy is a feature of cultural hegemony, and it has aligned itself in direct opposition to public health and scientific reality. A “conspiracy” of this sort takes place in full view of the public. Every actor within it has openly telegraphed motivations that we are all taught to see as acceptable: keeping the current economic system intact at all costs."


And take action with folks like me.

1. with N95/KN94 or better.
2. Get or make air purifiers (like ) and use indoors at all events and even at home.
3. Get vaccinated but do not assume the vaccine will give you immunity or prevent transmission (it won't. It's a short-term protection to avoid more serious symptoms and dead, it's why it needs to be updated every few months).
4. Engage in and protection. We keep each other safe.
5. Be at all times. Accessibility is EMPOWERMENT. It empowers us to participate with our full selves. So learn about and make accessibility the core of all planning and organizing. The above four actions I already mentioned are part of accessibility too.

#MaskUp #CRboxes #communitycare #accessible #CovidIsNotOver #Class #fightingeugenics #leavenoonebehind #fightingfascism

Last updated 1 year ago

TheBird · @TheBird
999 followers · 684 posts · Server

Damn good article:

Also, this is a must read/listen too:

The Mass abandonment that United States is doing is eugenics, folks. This is what eugenics looks like. This is evil.

Stop normalizing mass death and disablement.

We can fight this. And we can win.

I may be sick all the time thanks to -- which I got because people refused to mask! -- but I still do my best to fight this. For those who are abled bodied and relatively healthy? Do your part! Stop rolling over and allowing those in power to throw away millions of people to death and deliberate abandonment.

We can't ever build a better world if we can't even do the bare minimum of caring for each other collectively by and building air filtration devices like to clean up our air.

Push for these basic measures in all places you frequent.


#LongCovid #MaskingUp #CRboxes

Last updated 2 years ago

Flatbush Gardener 🌈 · @xris
289 followers · 2366 posts · Server

7/n We had a blast, safely, today. Everyone masked. placed in rooms where we ate. No more than 7 people at one time. I continuously monitored ; it varied between 500 and 800 throughout.

Our guests enjoyed going through our hundreds of collected over three decades. There are even some heirloom family ornaments from the .

This group is more recent, befitting a /#Gay household.

#CRboxes #co2 #ornaments #1960s #queer #christmastree #solsticetree

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
364 followers · 798 posts · Server


Yet again, it's clear we need to stop the spread using Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions, specifically and masks and filters and .

Treatment & vaccine development is slower than viral evolution. HEPA filters and P100 masks are variant-proof.

#P100 #n95 #HEPA #CRboxes #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
364 followers · 798 posts · Server

@sonyah @catsalad I do both, and my personal life is just fine, thank you.

I wish people would start wearing their masks and using filters and though. I'm going to survive this pandemic but I'm tired of watching people be reckless.

#P100 #HEPA #CRboxes

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
364 followers · 798 posts · Server

@GregCirillo @Mathlover @Spacedad @yaneerbaryam

Naomi Wu is practically tearing her hair out right now because even the Chinese government refuses to promote filters, , masks, or masks, or all the other things which work really well.

Lockdowns were a tool for back when we didn't know how Covid spreads. But we know now! We can stop it with masks and air filters! Why is no government even TRYING?

#HEPA #CRboxes #P100 #n95 #KN95 #BringBackMasks #CleanTheAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
364 followers · 798 posts · Server

@GregCirillo @yaneerbaryam Ability to assess the relative risks is important. Covid is the highest risk. Car wrecks are still a serious risk.

Then you apply protection: wear your seatbelt, drive sober, etc.

masks are EXTREMELY effective against Covid, masks very protective too. So go to the party but keep your mask on.

filters are EXTREMELY effective, quite effective too. So put those in the room with the party.

#P100 #n95 #BringBackMasks #HEPA #CRboxes #CleanTheAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
278 followers · 366 posts · Server

@erictopol Professors of evolutionary biology predicted that something like this would happen. With uncontrolled spread, virus evolves to evade antibodies.

and masks, filters and work against all variants. Virus cannot evolve to fully evade them (it is not physically possible).

#P100 #n95 #HEPA #CRboxes #BringBackMasks #maskup #CleanTheAir #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
211 followers · 184 posts · Server

@MozzieBytes @DavidElfstrom

filters and ; (, , etc) also clean the air (immediately before you breathe it).

The evidence says that enough filters + enough masks *will* end the pandemic. Ask Apricot Tree Cafe or Abrome Ed -- or see the Cambridge hospital study of HEPA filters.

#HEPA #CRboxes #CleanTheAir #masks #P100 #n95

Last updated 2 years ago

@aderfel I'll be really happy if you can get CovidEcole to move too.
And with that, I have 3 to build today. I'm finally feeling better after 10 days of Covid.


Last updated 2 years ago