The joy of seeing my ACC students participate in their Cloud CTF final project is great. They are really working collaboratively and revisiting old tools and concepts learned throughout the semester.
Though, I think I underestimated their engagement and maybe should raise the minimum point value a bit next time. 😅
#ctf #cybersecurity #securityeducation #securityeducation #CS4All
#ctf #cybersecurity #securityeducation #CS4All
Da haben wir hier in D ja noch einiges vor uns …
#pflichtfachinformatik #LeitfachInformatik #HauptfachInformatik #informatikfuerallelehrkraefte #CS4All
My AP CSP class did so well on their latest unit test that I had to create a tiered sticker prize system.
#computerscience #CS4All #CompSciEd #APCSP
dang, my notes for "PEP II: The PEPpening" are 🔥 🔥 🔥. I really should write that one.
"Want #CS4All? Acknowledge #CSTaughtByAll" (intended as a CACM opinion piece) is also good.