Dr. Casey Fiesler · @cfiesler
11108 followers · 1535 posts · Server hci.social

Hey good luck to everyone working on finishing up papers this week! I'm really excited to see new work in the spring. :)

Also for the record I decided to break my sabbatical rule to not review papers, and signed up to review for SIGCSE. They are really, really hurting for reviewers, so if you know anything about CS education, consider volunteering to review, it may not be too late: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI

#sigcse2024 #CSEducation

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Casey Fiesler · @cfiesler
7880 followers · 735 posts · Server hci.social

Today I said goodbye to Twitter (at least until things... doubtful... improve), and I think will increase, so another introduction!

I'm an information science professor who researches and (also, at least once, all of those things at the same time!)

I also do a lot of science communication (and occasional silliness) on (@professorcasey) and my (CaseyFieslerPhD) is full of advice!

#twittermigration #techethics #aiethics #onlinecommunities #HCI #CSEducation #fandom #tiktok #youtube #gradschool

Last updated 2 years ago

Bailey 🕸️🕷️🦇 · @Bkacsmar
51 followers · 24 posts · Server hci.social

Want to know what my paper was?

"Improving Interactive Instruction: Faculty Engagement Requires Starting Small and Telling All"

It can be accessed...

Or here: bkacsmar.github.io/files/pres_

#CSEd #CSedresearch #CSEducation #koli22

Last updated 2 years ago

Bailey 🕸️🕷️🦇 · @Bkacsmar
51 followers · 23 posts · Server hci.social

Sums it up well. was very educational and very fun. Meet so many great people and learned of some really interesting work. Thank you everyone! From organizers to fellow attendees for such a fantastic experience!

#koli22 #CSEd #CSEducation

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyle Thayer · @kylethayer
107 followers · 135 posts · Server hci.social

: I'm an assistant teaching professor at the . I teach .

I'm creating a class and online textbook: Social Media, Ethics, and Automation. Students learn social media phenomena (e.g., viral memes, parasocial relationships, harassment campaigns), experiment with computer programs (e.g., bots, data mining programs, recommendation algorithms), and apply ethics frameworks (e.g., Taoism, virtue ethics, Ubuntu ethics).


#introduction #UWiSchool #programming #UW #CSEd #CSEducation #techethics

Last updated 2 years ago