Even though it meant an early start I was very happy to share my experiences and lessons learnt from establishing and running Ireland's first CSIRT, IRISSCERT, to the ESIWA-NACSA seminar in Kuala Lumpur to “Strengthen Capacity to regulate Cyber Security in Malaysia”
RT @ecteg: In the report, it says that according to the Member States, #LEAs need training on EU cooperation & info exchange tools, such as the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce (J-CAT), @enisa_eu, Computer Emergency/Security Incident Response Teams (#CERTs, #CSIRTs), @EC3Europol, & #ECTEG
do not post your meeting-id on twitter :)
RT @enisa_eu@twitter.com
💻 Big attendance at @CoE_HRightsRLaw@twitter.com @enisa_eu@twitter.com joint webinar! Our own experts Silvia Portesi and @alexmichota@twitter.com gave an overview on enhancing #cooperation between #CSIRTs and #LawEnforcement to counter #cybercrime and presented #ENISA relevant work ➡️ https://bit.ly/2AdJXud
#cooperation #CSIRTs #lawenforcement #cybercrime #enisa