Quick fix to #CSpect V2.19.2.1 for the debugger, but also a few quick additions as well.
#ZXSpectrumNext #ZXSpectrum #retrodev #gamedev #indiedev #RETROGAMING
#retrogaming #indiedev #gamedev #retrodev #zxspectrum #zxspectrumnext #CSpect
New version of my #ZXSpectrumNext #Emulator - #CSpect, is now out. Fixes a few issues, and adds a few more dev features.
#CSpect #emulator #zxspectrumnext
I've been playing with a new Audio/Video synchronisation system for #CSpect, so emulation now runs on another thread - synced to audio, while the main thread just submits generated frames.
Works okay, but there's always going to be a hiccup somewhere as Audio runs quicker than video, so frames "stack up" eventually.
@evolutional It's basic..... but it'll give you an idea.
Profiler code is open source and on my #CSpect plugins github
New version of #CSpect released.
Merry Christmas all, and have a #ZXSpectrumNext new year!
Ever wondered what goes into making a #ZXSpectrumNext #Emulator?
Watch my live stream as I talk through #CSpect and how it's all put together.
#ZXNext #retro #gamedev #indydev
#indydev #gamedev #retro #ZXNext #CSpect #emulator #zxspectrumnext
Doing some "actual" #CSpect dev now. Looking to add a basic profiler via a plugin - and via some internal mods.
#ZXNext #retrodev #emulation #emulator #ZXSpectrum #ZXSpectrumNext
#zxspectrumnext #zxspectrum #emulator #emulation #retrodev #ZXNext #CSpect
Watch a walkthrough of the #ZXSpectrumNext #CSpect emulator code base. Peek() behind the curtain as I talk through the code, how it works, what's involved, the problems emulating this machine has, and some of the plans going forward.
It's bigger on the inside!
#retro #retrodev #ZXSpectrum
#zxspectrum #retrodev #retro #CSpect #zxspectrumnext
Starting to stream.... 5min (ish) count down
Thinking of doing a bit of dev streaming at the weekend.
There's been a request for some #CSpect streaming - so might do that, though I may have to hide my face in embarrassment at the code....
Working on my SNasm assembler, trying to fix it after adding For/Step/Next loops.
I'm also adding more to the "map" file that I can use for possible source level debugging in #CSpect - well, that's the plan...
Finally have access to MonoGame for Switch, so might be trying to get it all working and having a play with it.
Would be interesting to get #CSpect working on the Switch....