#introduction: I’m a postdoc in #computerscience at #Harvard. I study new ways of doing democracy and how to fairly allocate different kinds of resources (which is where I overlap with econtwitter).
I’m active in the #MD4SG initiative, am excited about #citizensassemblies, and happen to be on the operations research and CS academic job markets this year.
#introduction #computerscience #harvard #md4sg #citizensassemblies #econcs #comsoc #CStheory #AI
Sigh... looking to generate random instances of TQBF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_quantified_Boolean_formula), but when you search for "TQBF generator", you realize that TQBF is an initialism of "The quick brown fox", and the results are all about generating random text. #PspaceComplete #CsTheory #TQBF
#TQBF #CStheory #PspaceComplete
New manuscript on #arXiv: "Deterministic Incremental APSP with Polylogarithmic Update Time and Stretch". Joint work with Yasamin Nazari and Maximilian Probst Gutenberg
#tcs #CStheory #algorithms #arxiv
Hi all! I am a postdoc at Columbia in NYC, doing theoretical computer science #tcs #CStheory and thinking about optimization #orms.
#orms #CStheory #tcs #introduction
#introduction (continued)
I teach #datastructures, #CStheory, #machinelearning, #datascience, and #competitiveprogramming.
Other things I am interested in are #running, human #languages (svenska, français, Nederlands), #juggling, and #music.
#music #juggling #languages #running #competitiveprogramming #datascience #machinelearning #CStheory #datastructures #introduction