Join free group bike rides led by BWH Ambassador Leo Pon with CT Appalachian Mt Club on Fri Sept 1st (20-mile Farmington River Ride) and Sat Sept 2nd (20-mile tour of West Hartford). #Hartford #CT #BikeTooter
Learn more at
Thank you to all who joined us at #WestHartford #CT Center Streets open streets festival !
Short vid featuring #Hartford Hot Several brass band and Ann Cubberly's Giant #Puppets
Learn more
#westhartford #CT #hartford #puppets
Join our family-friendly 4-mile bike ride! Meet up Sat Aug 5th 9:30am near Bugbee playground, 1943 Asylum Av #WestHartford #CT. Thx to organizer Jim Head!
Learn more and register at
Join us at Bike West Hartford's Meet Up at Fernridge Park, Saturday July 15th, 2023
Drop in anytime 9:30-11:30am near the playground at 567 Fern Street, #WestHartford #CT
Chat with other Bike West Hartford members about improving bike-walk-transit for all
Bike or Walk or Ride the #72 Bus
Bring a mug and we'll bring coffee and healthy snacks!
#BikeTooter #transit #visionzero
#westhartford #CT #BikeTooter #transit #visionzero
COOL EVENTS in the #Hartford #CT region this weekend!
Fri July 7 7pm Book Discussion — Two Wheels Good: The History and Mystery of the Bicycle, Mark Twain House
Sat July 8 8am Rocky Hill Community Bike Ride with Walk-Bike Rocky HIll
Sat-Sun July 8-9, Bikepacking overnight trip (space limited) Hartford Bicycle Club and BiCiCo
Sun July 9 10am CT-AMC Farmington River Ride (20 miles) New Hartford w Leo Pon
Links and more at
SO MANY BIKE-PED EVENTS in #Hartford #WestHartford #CT this weekend:
- Fri June 30th 9am New Britain Ave Walk Audit with State Rep Kate Farrar
- Fri June 30th 6:30pm Hartford Critical Mass ride with CT Urbanists
- Sat July 1st 9am Ride from Flower Bridge to Red's Cafe with Leo Pon
- Sun July 2nd 10am #HartfordBikeParty Keney Park Picnic Ride with Hartford Bike Club
See links and more events at
#BikeTooter #visionzero
#hartford #westhartford #CT #hartfordbikeparty #BikeTooter #visionzero
To Town of #WestHartford #CT Leaders: Stop Delaying on Boulevard and Support #VisionZero
Leaders disappointed us again by failing to take action to improve safe bicycle infrastructure via painted bike lanes on Boulevard... We urge the Town to act in the spirit of Vision Zero: make a short-term, inexpensive intervention of temporary painted bicycle lanes
#westhartford #CT #visionzero #BikeTooter
SO MANY BIKE RIDES to join during the next few weeks in the #Hartford #CT area! See links to these and more at #BikeTooter
West Hartford #CT Pride Ride Rescheduled due to air quality to Thurs June 15th #BikeTooter
Novým ředitelem ČT bude šéf brněnského studia Jan Souček. Pryč půjde pětina manažerů. #CT #Soucek
Register at to celebrate #Earthday & the 1st birthday of the BiCiCo West community bike shop by joining our slow roll 10-mile #bike ride on Sat April 22nd in #WestHartford #CT #BikeTooter
#EarthDay #bike #westhartford #CT #BikeTooter
Nefér přístup, moderátor Řezníček porušil princip nestrannosti. ČT analyzovala prezidentské debaty. #CT #debaty
Register at to join our inclusive slow-roll 10-mile bike ride to celebrate Earth Day and BiCiCo West’s 1st Birthday, Saturday April 22nd, 2023. Arrive by 8:30am at 616 New Park Ave, West Hartford #CT (across from the southern tip of the Trout Brook multi-use trail), meet new friends, sing a birthday song, enjoy a snack, and roll out at 8:45! #BikeTooter Thx @hectorjcorrea
Dlouze se dívat po jiných a významně mlčet, to jsou Kukačky. Komentář Lukáše Novosada. #serial #CT
#WestHartford #CT Residents Advocate for #VisionZero Resolution, Approved by Town Council
Testimony by Kelly Hamann-Book, hit last month by driver who broke both of her legs, two vertebrae, and caused traumatic brain injury: “While my injuries might not have been life-threatening, they’re definitely life-altering. It’s really important to recognize that we live in a town right now where people don’t feel safe.”
See also @Dr_Donegan
Pics: WHCI
#SafeStreets #pedestrian
#westhartford #CT #visionzero #safestreets #pedestrian
Our 4 recs for #WestHartford #CT town task force on traffic and #pedestrian safety:
1) Set timetable to achieve goal of zero road fatalities & serious injuries (#VisionZero) and use crash data to prioritize action steps.
2) Install trial traffic-calming infrastructure in high-crash areas (mini roundabouts, raised crosswalks, etc)
3) Expand contract for Stantec to redesign entire WH Center
4) Empower citizens and value our input & participation planning process.
#westhartford #CT #pedestrian #visionzero
Invitation to #CT #bike groups, #book clubs, faith communities, and more:
Host a watch party of "The Street Project" film for #SafeStreets
Share your local action steps in statewide zoom call on Feb 5th
Learn more at https://BikeWalkCT
#CT #bike #book #safestreets #BikeTooter
Why We're Speaking Out for #SafeStreets in #WestHartford #CT
“It’s part of the reason we reactivated Bike West Hartford,” said #bike activist @Dr_Donegan . “We didn’t think that the town was listening to its existing citizen groups. And we thought the town needed outside pressure… Citizens are not empowered through the current task forces and groups and advisory boards in the town to impact government. That needs to change.” - by Emily DiSalvo, CTInsider
Story links:
#safestreets #westhartford #CT #bike
"Build #SafeStreets Now" op-ed by Jason Wang, #westhartford #ct resident, #bike #pedestrian advocate, parent of young children, physician at UConn Hospital:
“We need to stop focusing on blaming individual actions... Distracted driving and roadway deaths are actually symptoms of a transportation system that is rigidly designed to move cars around for as many trips as possible, as quickly as possible, with the least amount of effort possible.”
#safestreets #westhartford #CT #bike #pedestrian