EU 🇪🇺 warmly welcomes #CTBT ratification by Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 which brings the total no of ratifications to 178! This is yet another step towards universalisation of the Treaty. EU reiterates its call on all States to sign and ratify the CTBT #multilateralismmatters
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CTBTO: 📢 Sri Lanka becomes the 178th state to ratify the #CTBT! This development reinforces 🇱🇰’s commitment to nuclear non-proliferation & disarmament and represents another important step towards achieving full adherence to the Treaty. Read the full story here ➡️…
#CTBT @CTBTO @eu_eeas @EUatUN @EU_UNGeneva
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Marjolijn van Deelen: The CTBT is an important Treaty for global peace and security. The 🇪🇺EU is pleased to continue to support the CTBTO and Dr Floyd in their efforts for a robust verification and monitoring regime, capacity building and the universalisation of the Treaty
#EU participates at 60th @CTBTO PrepCom, reaffirming our commitment to #CTBT’s entry into force. #EU calls on all states to abide by the moratorium on nuclear testing. #EU’s strong commitment manifested by almost 30 M EUR extra-budgetary contributions for IMS & capacity building
The January 2022 Hunga Volcano explosive eruption from the multitechnological perspective of #CTBT monitoring: -> "The massive eruption of the #Hunga #Volcano on 15 January 2022 provides an ideal test case for reviewing established methods to discriminate and analyse source processes. Discriminating source mechanisms and identifying their origins is a key task when analysing suspicious events in the frame of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)."
The January 2022 Hunga Volcano explosive eruption from the multitechnological perspective of #CTBT monitoring: -> "The massive eruption of the #Hunga #Volcano on 15 January 2022 provides an ideal test case for reviewing established methods to discriminate and analyse source processes. Discriminating source mechanisms and identifying their origins is a key task when analysing suspicious events in the frame of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)."
At @CTBTO 63rd Session of #WGA #EU reiterates that the universalisation & entering into force of #CTBT remain a top priority. EU highlights need for adequate funding for IMS sustainment. EU remains steadfast supporter of CTBTO. #effectivemultilateralism #MultilateralismMatters
#wga #EU #CTBT #EffectiveMultilateralism #MultilateralismMatters
Al Vienna International Center è in corso un Expert Meeting sul delicato tema delle ispezioni per verificare eventuali #testnucleari clandestini, in violazione al Trattato #CTBT . @INGVambiente contribuisce alla #pace e alla #SicurezzaInternazionale
#testnucleari #CTBT #pace #SicurezzaInternazionale
.@CTBTO briefs EU on implementation of EU Council Decision VIII in support of #CTBT’s monitoring/verification system & capacity-building activities. EU will continue its extra-budgetary contributions, which is €30mio to date, until the universalisation & entry into force of CTBT
1/3 At @CTBTO WGB60 EU reiterates that efforts to promote and facilitate signature and ratification of #CTBT remain a top priority for the EU and calls upon the remaining eight Annex II States to sign and ratify the Treaty without any preconditions or further delay.
Il Nucleo tecnico-scientifico #INGV di consulenza per
il Dicastero della Farnesina
si occupa della verifica tecnica del Trattato per il bando totale degli esperimenti nucleari #CTBT. Ogni evento viene rilevato. Questo il nostro impegno per la pace e la sicurezza internazionale #scienceforpeaceandsecurity
Ecco un breve riassunto sul III test nucleare sotterraneo condotto dalla Repubblica Popolare Democratica della Corea (DPRK) il #12febbraio 2013, alle 02:57:50 UTC.
#ingv #CTBT #scienceforpeaceandsecurity #12febbraio
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: EU welcomes the ratification of the #CTBT by the Solomon Islands. Promoting universalisation of the CTBT remains an important priority of @euunvie
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: Great news from the Pacific region! EU warmly welcomes #CTBT ratification by Solomon Islands, yet another step towards universalisation of the Treaty. @ctbto #multilateralismatwork
EU reiterated at @CTBTO PrepCom59 its commitment to promote & facilitate signature & ratification of #CTBT. All EU Member States have ratified & consistently call upon the others to sign and ratify the Treaty without preconditions or further delay.
#Russia #Nato
Il governo russo ha accusato la #Nato di violare il Trattato per la messa al bando totale degli esperimenti nucleari (#Ctbt) con le manovre iniziate ieri, in quanto sono coinvolti sia Stati dotati di bombe atomiche che Stati che non ne hanno. Le esercitazioni, a cui partecipano 14 Paesi e che dureranno fino al 30 ottobre, hanno lo scopo di garantire «che la deterrenza nucleare rimanga sicura ed efficace», ha spiegato la portavoce dell’Alleanza atlantica Oana Lungescu.
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: The EU warmly welcomes #CTBT ratification by #EquatorialGuinea, the 175th state signatory of the Treaty. EU continues to actively advocate the universalisation of the Treaty and its entry into force. We remain committed to a strong EU-@CTBTO partnership. #MultilateralismMatters
#CTBT #EquatorialGuinea #MultilateralismMatters
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty #CTBT has always been and remains a top priority for the EU. All EU Member States have ratified the Treaty & we call for its universalisation.
🇪🇺Amb @SilvioGonzato on International Day against Nuclear Testing
RT @ICAN_France: Ce 29 août, Journée internationale contre les essais nucléaires #CTBT la🇫🇷a réalisé 210 essais en #Algérie et #Polynésie Pour comprendre ces impacts toujours présents nous partageons avec vous le témoignage de @hinamoeura activiste polynésienne #nuclearban
#CTBT #Algérie #Polynésie #nuclearban
On the International Day Against Nuclear Tests - #IDANT - EU reiterates its steadfast support to #CTBT and urges all states to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay, thus putting an end to nuclear testing. @CTBTO @Youth4CTBT @_RobFloyd
RT @CTBTO: 29 August is the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, #IDANT. As the legacy of nuclear weapons testing continues to affect communities & the environment, let’s work …
#IDANT #CTBT #endnucleartesting
Through EU financial support several capacity-building activities in various regions & procurement of capacity building systems are funded. EU fully supports @CTBTO ES @RobFloyd’s efforts to achieve universalisation, further ratifications & EIF of #CTBT