“Boring, but prudent policy” may be the most Connecticut campaign slogan evah. I no longer live there, so know nothing of the merits (and this wouldn’t have been my ward anyway), but it sure got my attention. #connecticut #CTPolitics #ctpol #ct
#connecticut #CTPolitics #ctpol #ct
My latest for @ctnewsjunkie >> A venting session on cannabis hypocrisy, housing alarmists and big bad 400-pound bears munching away in your kitchen. #ctpolitics https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2023/04/26/op-ed-apropos-of-nothing-weed-evolution-housing-barriers-and-bad-bears/
Credit where it's due. The right-wing Republican-American (Waterbury CT) editorial page announces the paper has dropped Dilbert because of its creator's "reprehensible" remarks on race. This was unexpected, given the editorial board's previous and unrelenting attacks on left-wing "cancel culture." A bridge too far even for the Pape family. 👏 #ctpolitics https://www.rep-am.com/opinion/editorials/2023/03/04/scott-adams-remarks/
Credit where it's due. The right-wing Republican-American (Waterbury CT) editorial page announces the paper has dropped Dilbert because of its creator's "reprehensible" remarks on race. This was unexpected, given the editorial board's previous and unrelenting attacks on left-wing "cancel culture." A bridge too far even for the Pape family. 👏 #ctpolitics
My latest for @ctnewsjunkie >> Should state gov't step in and regulate the markets to control rental rates? I say no. If it must be done, give local boards the authority to do it on a town-by-town basis. #rentcontrol #ctpolitics https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2023/02/28/op-ed-rent-control-advocates-barking-up-the-wrong-tree/
So how big a loss did struggling GE's move from Connecticut to Boston turn out to be? Evidently, not much: "The once-grand conglomerate says it will move into one floor of an office tower near South Station." #ctpolitics #mapoli https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/02/07/business/general-electric-picks-smaller-digs-its-new-headquarters/
If you're a Democrat in Connecticut and want to hold on to power in the Capitol, distance yourself from this. It's a surefire way to make CT Republicans great again. #ctpolitics https://www.courant.com/politics/hc-pol-connecticut-non-citizen-voting-rights-proposal-20230124-zoybjodmxzdppcbuzhcqgn37uu-story.html
As journalism losses go, I don't see this as a big one. The conversion of the daily
@RegisterCitizen to a weekly signals that its minimal local content can be distilled into a once-a-week offering. Symbolically, it is significant, however. #ctpolitics https://www.registercitizen.com/news/article/Register-Citizen-delivery-schedule-change-17725947.php
RT @ctnewsjunkie@twitter.com
Alex Jones’ Attorney Slapped With Six-Month Suspension http://dlvr.it/SgbpZS #ctnewsjunkie #ctpolitics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ctnewsjunkie/status/1612433895064207361
RT @ctnewsjunkie@twitter.com
Gasoline Drops Another 10 Cents Per Gallon In Connecticut http://dlvr.it/Sg3Nrl #ctnewsjunkie #ctpolitics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ctnewsjunkie/status/1608117578832179201
My appearance yesterday on CT Politics TV with Joe Aguiar and Michele Botelho. We talked about my columns for CTNewsJunkie on #CTPolitics and my recent exile from Twitter. Ironically, the video of the show can only be viewed via ... Twitter! Starts at 28:30. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1RDxlaOZLwzKL
More coverage of my Twitter exile, this time from Hearst CT Media. "Twitter suspends account of CT journalist after weighing on Elon Musk controversy" #CTPolitics https://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Twitter-suspends-CT-journalist-account-Elon-Musk-17659939.php