Philosophical criticism of RfPs by #CWestChurchman (one of the luminaries of #SystemsThinking).
> All planning begins with a problem; however, it should not be confined to the problem statement. Also, the beginning should not be a clear problem formulation, but rather should be an utterance of moral outrage. John Dewey once said that problems arise from felt needs; however, that is much too mild a statement. One very sad aspect of a great deal of planning research is that the roots of the Request-for-Proposals are cut off at the very start; no wonder the plant withers and dies as proposals, interim, and final reports are written.
Churchman, C. West. 1984. “Thought and Wisdom.” In _Rethinking the Process of Operational Research & Systems Analysis_, edited by Rolfe Tomlinson and Istvan Kiss, 67–77. Frontiers of Operational FORS. Amsterdam: Pergamon.
#CWestChurchman #systemsthinking
How does #SystemsThinking relate to #Pragmatism? Within #PhilosophyOfScience, #CWestChurchman and #RussellLAckoff continued the #experimentalism of #EdgarASinger to put nonrelativistic pragmatism at the core of systems thinking in an entanglement of facts and values.
#pragmatism #RussellLAckoff #experimentalism #EdgarASinger #systemsthinking #philosophyofscience #CWestChurchman
The I Ching (Yi Jing) based in Chinese philosophy might be a more systemic approach, in contrast to the more systematic approach based in Western rationalism, says #CWestChurchman via #DeboraHammond.
#CWestChurchman #DeboraHammond #systemsthinking #metaphysics