@TheAtlantic I can't be the only one who reads these warnings and thinks, "Oh, c'mon... Off your shoulders and onto ours, is it?"
The experts should already know that masses of people acting/not acting individually probably won't stop this or any other urgent-public-health-concern train.#CYA #TalkingToTheWrongCrowd #BuzzOff
#BuzzOff #talkingtothewrongcrowd #CYA
Not surprising. It's called CYA for the publishers and estates, but in this age of something offends someone somewhere no matter what, it is what it is. TBH, don't like a book, simple, don't read it. If enough people forget the book, out of print and gone. The cycle of life.
>Publishers are cynically using ‘sensitivity readers’ to protect their bottom lines
#bowdlerizing #censorship #CYA #reading #books
Swell, time of the year again for the obligatory mostly useless (unless you are an old timer who does not know how to turn on a computer) "security" training. Which btw, I just completed w/in this year, but new semester. Actually it's more #CYA for the employer than useful to me.
Yes, I already know not to open that suspicious email from the Nigerian prince.
Translation: Birdie needs to do some #CYA before Eli Cologne takes over, will probably make things more obnoxious for normal people while allowing the usual bigots, assholes, RWNJs, etc. to go on as usual.
Oh boy... Let's ignore the #data and #exponential growth _again_ in the #Netherlands. #booster appreciated but #Ventilation not organised, no #masks; 100% focus on #CYA. Will #NL avoid #MedCare #collapse in 5 w?
RT @finhstamsterdam@twitter.com
Ok, komt ie-dan, het 136e OMT advies. Te zien als: u vraagt wij draaien en verwijt ons achteraf niet als we te optimistisch waren - advies.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/finhstamsterdam/status/1478156092865720324
#data #exponential #netherlands #Booster #Ventilation #masks #CYA #NL #MedCare #collapse