From Caimh McDonell's book 'Deccie Must Die' a superb quote. Set in Eire his whole series of books are fantastic and very funny too.
“Didn’t people clap on their doorsteps or something?”
“No,” said Brigit firmly. “That was in Britain. Thankfully, the Irish government didn’t patronise people who have been underpaid for decades by encouraging the public to give them a round of applause. They’re highly skilled medical professionals, not kids in a nativity play.”
#nhs #NursesPay #CaimhMcDonnell
I'm currently reading three books:
Count Zero
by William Gibson
I'm enjoying it. Haven't (yet) got a clue what's going on.
by Samuel R. Delany
I rarely re-read books, but Babel-17 is outstanding.
Deccie Must Die
by Caimh McDonnell
First audiobook I got on BookFunnel, in fact. I love all of McDonnell's stuff, especially the McGarry Stateside series.
Audiobooks ARE reading!
#currentlyreading #williamgibson #book #samuelrdelany #CaimhMcDonnell #audiobook