I must've completely missed this #RedNose #COVID relief effort by a lot of former #DoctorWho actors and writers: Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN
It has quite some lovely (yet sometimes heartwrenching) stories set after previous episodes, such as what happened to Mme de #Pompadour after #TheGirlInTheFireplace (https://youtu.be/seNAqQ4gzn0), #ArthurDarville recording a video diary to his character's adopted son as #RoryWilliams (with an off-camera cameo by #KarenGillan as #AmyPond)), or #CaitlinBlackwood taking on the role of young #AmeliaPond again as she talks about her best friend, the Raggedy Doctor, which could just as well have been called "Except for Rory".
#RedNose #covid #doctorwho #pompadour #TheGirlInTheFireplace #ArthurDarville #RoryWilliams #karengillan #amypond #CaitlinBlackwood #AmeliaPond #drwho #storytime #audiostories