I do love this conference and these people.
Sander de la Rambelje delivering inspiration by way of success stories from Denmark.
Bing Liu, noting that heat pumps replacing fossil fuel heating need to be sized correctly to get those predicted energy savings, and there is a temptation to oversize.
Neal Kruis explaining what ASHRAE 205 is in under 5 minutes, using a goofy visual metaphor.
I'll post the slides and recordings next week.
Day 2 next!
#CalBEM #buildings #electrification #Energy
On my way to Sacramento for the annual California Building Energy Modeling Symposium! http://www.calbem.org
Folks from industry, research, and government pursue collective systemic improvement, all for the sake of decarbonizing buildings in one of the world's largest economies.
I want to engage more with #EnergyMastodon, so I'll share some personal highlights as we run the event over the next two days.
#CalBEM #energy #energymodeling #decarbonisation #buildings #california
#EnergyMastodon #CalBEM #Energy #energymodeling #decarbonisation #buildings #california