#CallForContributions #ThEdu23 (Theorem proving components for Educational software) "brings together experts in automated deduction with experts in education in order to further clarify the shape of a new software generation and to discuss existing systems" https://www.uc.pt/en/congressos/thedu/ThEdu23/cfp #ATP #CSEd #CSEducation
#cseducation #csed #ATP #thedu23 #CallForContributions
#CallForContributions #WiL2023 (the Women in #Logic workshop) "provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the valuable contributions made by women in the area of logic in computer science. Its main purpose is to promote the excellent research done by women, with the ultimate goal of increasing their visibility and representation in the community... Contributions should be ... in the form of an abstract (1-2 pages approximately).". https://sites.google.com/view/wil2023/submission #WomenInCS
#womenincs #logic #wil2023 #CallForContributions
#CallForContributions to a fun workshop: #TYPES2023 (International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs), "a forum to present new and ongoing work in all aspects of type theory and its applications, especially in formalised and computer assisted reasoning and computer programming ... In the spirit of workshops, talks may be based on newly published papers, work submitted for publication, but also work in progress". https://types2023.webs.upv.es/ #TypeTheory #types
#types #typetheory #types2023 #CallForContributions
Die #InformaticaFeminale, das internationale #Sommerstudium für #Frauen in der #Informatik an der #UniBremen, findet dieses Jahr bereits zum 26. Mal statt, und schon jetzt steht das Datum fest: 16.-31.8.
Der #CallforContributions endet am 6.2., bitte weitersagen: https://www.informatica-feminale.de/2023/call/
#CallForContributions #unibremen #informatik #frauen #Sommerstudium #InformaticaFeminale
What do we mean by solidary presence?
"Life becomes resistance to power when power takes life for object." — Gilles Deleuze
#THX #PrésenceSolidaire #SoinRadical #SoftwareSyndicate #RadicalCare
#thx #PrésenceSolidaire #SoinRadical #SoftwareSyndicate #RadicalCare #DaringIsCaring #CallForContributions