I’m currently into running and playing:
- #CallofCthuhlu
- #CthulhuDark
- #Vaesen
- #TheOneRing2e
- #PirateBorg
Also very interested in #ttrpgDesign and may blog some thoughts soon.
#CallofCthuhlu #CthulhuDark #Vaesen #TheOneRing2e #morkborg #PirateBorg #ttrpgDesign
Been trying to break out of my Game Master comfort zone lately by running some modern systems. (My comfort zone is supernatural mystery #CallofCthuhlu #GUMSHOE). The results have been mixed.
Ran the Sentinels Comics RPG and had a great time. Went even better than expected. Will run again.
Ran a couple of #PBtA. Middling results. I think I'd try again but maybe not for me.
Blades in the Dark. Just didn't click my GM style at all. Would play but not GM.
#CallofCthuhlu #GUMSHOE #pbta #ttrpg