As a very real sense of foreboding doom descends upon the residents of Floor'ydah. Citizens brace for the arrival of a named boss, stowing items the boss may use as special attacks against our structures, armoring residences. Preparing. At least we have warning.
In #CallofCthulu the warnings are more subtle. As sanity is lost, the doom sets in. Next thing you know a byakhee is attacking the plane you're in. The ones who survived that died in other horrible ways. #RPGaDay2023
Day 19) Favorite published #TTRPG adventure
For a traditional #DnD zero-to-hero, save-the-world adventure series, it's hard to top "Rise of the Runelords" for #PathfinderRPG. Mix of dungeon, wilderness, urban, & small-town settings; interesting enemies; and lots of role-play opportunities.
Runners-up (all one-shots)
"Beast-Bound and Down" (Spirit of '77)
"Secret of Castonegro" (Call of Cthulhu)
"The Flocculent Cathedral" (Trophy Dark)
#ttrpg #pathfinderrpg #rpgaday2023 #SpiritOf77 #pbta #trophyrpg #CallofCthulu #DnD
I’d like to hear from you if you have any suggestions of how to make Symbaroum, especially Davokar, closer to lovecraftian Cosmic Horror. I know Cthulhu Dark and Davokar Dark, but I’m looking for more ambiance insights than system mechanics. #ttrpg #symbaroum #cthulhu #callofcthulu #lovecraft #hplovecraft #horror #cosmichorror
#ttrpg #symbaroum #cthulhu #CallofCthulu #lovecraft #hplovecraft #horror #cosmichorror
Day 15: ONE-SHOT
Most epic one-shot I played in was a game of #CallofCthulu. I had been exposed to some great new games, but one I hadn't played was shrouded in myth around a mysterious game master who ran CoC for friends. Guy lives in Russia, but word comes down this legend is in town for 1 day. And he's gonna run and epic one-shot CoC game. Game runs an entire Saturday. I somehow manage to lose the most sanity and make the most checks. We all died in very fun ways. Legendary. #RPGaDay2023
Zak tries #CallOfCthulu weekend begins with my first of three games as part of #GenCon Online is about to kick off
"Wow! Look Hun, the new Cthulu just dropped"
#Cthulu #CthuluVibes #CallofCthulu
#Cthulu #cthuluvibes #CallofCthulu
Good post
Let's put it in
@ttrpg @dnd @indiettrpg @kickstarterttrpg @savageworlds @shadowrun
And whack
#ttrpgpodcast #ttrpg #dnd #notdnd #indieTTRPG #SavageWorlds #Shadowrun #CallofCthulu #OSR #NSR #TTRPGNews
On it to help people find it
And hell #TTRPGTribes as an inaugural to find this post and others like it.
#ttrpgpodcast #ttrpg #dnd #notdnd #indiettrpg #savageworlds #shadowrun #CallofCthulu #osr #NSR #ttrpgnews #ttrpgtribes
I like removing bioessentialism from games wherever possible and am very interested in talking about how to make random culture generation, self-scaling magic environments, character sheet design (UX) and making Narrator life as painless as possible.
Also inducting people into roleplaying.
I like having a bit of mechanics and agency in my games and these include:
And a LOT of microgames. Here's my 3rd book cover!
#levelupa5e #dnd #dread #CallofCthulu #savageworlds
Signed up for a few #CallOfCthulu one shots during GenCon Online at part of my year long attempt to give the game a shot.
@DejahEntendu @PragmaticOne @starhawk @apontious
Every non #DnD system can be considered as a small system to a niche one according to the number of game played. More than one #roll20 campaign in two uses #5e. The second most played system is #CallofCthulu with only 10%.
The same trend in favor of DnD is observed if we look at the Google search queries.
(Numbers from 2021)
#DnD #roll20 #5e #CallofCthulu
Am I the only person during the anointing of Charles III was disappointed not to see a tentacles creeping over the edges of the embroidered barrier?
Call of Cthulhu Hook:
A man was driving home drunk after a rough night. Little did he know his night was about to get much worse.
In his stupor, he hit a strange creature. Thinking he hit a deer, he got out to investigate. The creature doesn’t resemble any animal he’s ever seen. But it isn’t dead… With a frightful lurch, the creature latches onto the man, and begins pulling him into its mass. Minutes later, the “man” rises from the street… no creature in sight. #ttrpg #CallofCthulu #chaosium
#ttrpg #CallofCthulu #chaosium
RPG Hook:
A family dog was missing for days. It returned, but acts very strange. It’s not til days later, when a perfectly skinned canine corpse is found in the woods, that a sinister truth is revealed: Something is wearing the dog’s skin… #rpgHook #dnd #CallofCthulu
Call of Cthulhu Hook:
Louisville Kentucky, 1937. In the wake of a devastating flood, employees of the Louisville Water Company found strange creatures washed upon the banks of the Ohio River. The creatures enthralled the hapless employees, who then transported the creatures to a company-owned water reservoir—one that supplied the drinking water.
That, was when the people in Louisville began to fall ill in droves, with a hallucination-inducing madness. #ttrpg #CallofCthulu @Chaosium
Returned once more to Aint Slayed Nobody’s
actual play podcasts. It’s actual play with a lot of post-production and voice acting of some NPCs but it is well worth any RPG fan’s time, and if you can afford it, the Patreon is worth the money.
More experienced gamers will be familiar with this podcast, but if you are new to role playing games or just like genre (especially if you like horror), it is worth a listen. #roleplayinggames #rpg #CallofCthulu
#roleplayinggames #rpg #CallofCthulu
This week, we connect cosmology to Cthulu.
Sci-fi: yes, hard science, yes, incisive social commentary, and yes, sometimes just silly stuff because you can.
#worldbuilding #scifi #CallofCthulu #ttrpg
Oh gods…
Behind the bastards podcast just gave me an idea for a Cthulhu adventure…
This is NOT a sentence that should exist…
But the idea is COOL
#CallofCthulu #chaosium
I see that it is Tuesday and thus, in time honoured fashion, I invoke #TTRPGTuesday
You may wish to:
Follow the tagged groups. The # and boost as you see fit. Or don't, I'm not yer mamai. I know nothing of network effects or curation on Mastodon. 😀
I would like it if you posted what you are up to and what excites you about your work. 😀
@indiettrpg @notdnd @dnd @kickstarterttrpg
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #NotDnD #DnD #SavageWorlds #LevelUpA5e #CallofCthulu
#ttrpgtuesday #ttrpg #indiettrpg #notdnd #dnd #savageworlds #levelupa5e #CallofCthulu
Tell me of your work TTRPG people. I wish to spread the good word.
#ttrpgtuesday #ttrpg #savageworlds #levelupa5e #dnd #notdnd #CallofCthulu