Ontario Justice grants developer a permanent injunction at 1492 Land Back Lane. This means that the developer can seek police enforcement to attempt to remove us from the land. We will never leave this land.
Our camp has spent every one of the last 878 days building our home at 1492 Land Back Lane. We will continue to cultivate orchards, sing our songs and hold space here. We will be free on our lands.
We now are stuck in this cycle of colonial violence. We will not leave this land. Support our legal defense fund https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-1492-land-back-lane or support the camp directly via etransfer at landback6nations (at) gmail (dot) com
#1492LandBackLane #landback #indigenousrights #CanadaIsRacist
Kanada'da yerli çocukların asimilasyon amacıyla gönderildiği ve bahçelerinde yüzlerce çocuk iskeletinin ortaya çıktığı toplu mezarları barındıran eski yatılı okulların Katolik kiliseleri tarafından işletilmesi nedeniyle çok sayıda kilise de protestocular tarafından yakılmış. Kaynak: tw/GerceginG