"The Innu land defenders state that the logging operations are illegal because they have not given consent. A blockade was erected..." Read more at #CanadianTireFire. https://itsgoingdown.org/ctf-60/
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada.
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada.
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada.
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada.
This installment includes a special update on antifascist resistance to far-Right attacks on drag events.
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-47/
Newest #CanadianTireFire column (last boost) has a lot of good news in it 😁
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-47/
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-46/
Don't miss the latest #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial news, action, and analysis on social struggles across so-called Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-45/
Don't miss the latest installment of #CanadianTireFire, featuring a roundup of autonomous and anti-colonial struggles, news, and analysis across so-called Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-45/
On #CanadianTireFire, we roundup social movements, revolt + direct action across so-called #Canada . Includes updates and stories on #1492LandBackLane, ongoing fight for migrant justice, remembering those killed by #Vancouver police, and Innu struggle against corrupt band council leads to railroad blockades + solidarity actions. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-44/
#CanadianTireFire #canada #1492LandBackLane #vancouver
This week on #CanadianTireFire, an in-depth look at policing + migrant justice struggles, #Halifax rallies for #HomesNotCops, fighting deportations, #Vancouver community demands answers after continued fires + violence in the downtown, prisoner news. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-43/
#CanadianTireFire #Halifax #HomesNotCops #vancouver
Don't miss #CanadianTireFire, rounding up social struggles across so-called Canada from grassroots labor organizing, anti-colonial struggles, and much - much more! https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-41/
On #CanadianTireFire, annual #GrassyNarrows demonstrations; #Hamilton celebrates #PRIDE in the streets; #JusticeForJared one year anniversary; fight against wage-theft continues; #sexworkers organize; repression on #Wetsuweten territory continues; mass shooter targets homeless. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-41/
#CanadianTireFire #GrassyNarrows #hamilton #pride #JusticeForJared #sexworkers #wetsuweten
On #CanadianTireFire, warehouse workers in #Scarborough block trucks + scabs in successful strike; community in #Calgary mobilizes in face of far-Right threats to #Pride; #Toronto tenants with #ParkdaleOrganize fight against eviction threats + much more! https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-40/
#CanadianTireFire #scarborough #calgary #pride #toronto #ParkdaleOrganize
On #CanadianTireFire, strike by delivery driver gig workers grows in #Winnipeg; Gidimt'en clan members build feast fall as actions continue in solidarity with the #Wetsuweten; mining conference in #Toronto disrupted; Toronto spread misinfo on park encampments. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-39/
#CanadianTireFire #winnipeg #wetsuweten #toronto