Herbert Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance as dominant principle at work in Ontario (and everywhere) School Boards
In the second video which was shot at the Durham District School Board at some point in Q1 of this year, we see what should be fami
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #LeftistFascism
#LeftistFascism #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
ONE rational School Board Trustee
Hopefully soon, there will be a comprehensive look at what happened the night of the special session of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board meeting on reimplementing the Mandatory Mask requirements for students on November 22nd. We have a LOT of great footage and details on what took place that night. Details which also expose th
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
James Formosa speaks on his experiences in the Canadian military as it moved through vaxx mandates
We did an interview with James about his discovery that the higher the rank in the military the higher the acceptance rate for vaccine exemptions. So once you hit Lt. Colonel, i
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #Military
#military #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Tamara Lich, the woman who dared to defy Trudeau, to appear in Ottawa Courthouse on Tuesday, July 5
By Madeline Weld:
It isn’t getting much publicity, but a full-day bail hearing for Tamara Lich is set for Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at the Ottawa Courthouse, starting at 9 a.m. Lich was one of the organizers
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Trudeau has added a special antennae to the Peace Tower in anticipation of Bill C11
The Senate seems to be in second reading
Anyone wishing to understand the authoritarian nature of C
#BillC-10 #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Censorship #Socialmedia #Softtotalitarianism #SovietizationofWesternlands #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #SovietizationofWesternlands #Softtotalitarianism #Socialmedia #Censorship #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #BillC
Excellent example of the partizan disinformation and propaganda that defines the CBC
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #CBC #Enemypropaganda #vaccines
#vaccines #Enemypropaganda #CBC #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Canadian government sending mixed symbols on dropping vaxx mandates for civil servants tomorrow
Tomorrow, Wednesday April 6, 2022, the federal government is set to announce new directives concerning the get jabbed or be homeless initiative for the Civil service. Her
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Covidmeasures #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Covidmeasures #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Special guest post by Johnny U: Precious metals trade, secretly being taken over by the banks
Vlad Tepes · Johnny U Gas For My Machine
I had a conversation with a Canadian precious metals dealer yesterday. How interesting this was. He's been in business for at least 40 years. Unsurprisingly, trust is his real
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Economicmeltdown
#Economicmeltdown #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Jordan Peterson was told to get his money out of Canadian banks
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Prof.JordanPeterson #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Prof #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Canadian Justice minister: If you are part of a pro-Trump movement, you should fear for your bank account
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Covidmeasures #DonaldTrump #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #DonaldTrump #Covidmeasures #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Police in Ontario visit people at home who comment on the Trucker’s protest
This is intimidation no matter what the card says or how obsequious seeming the armed cop at your door is.
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #LeftistactionsinCanada #LeftistFascism
#LeftistFascism #LeftistactionsinCanada #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Tucker Carlson speaks with Trucker Convoy to Ottawa spokesman VERY IMPORTANT
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Truckerprotest #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #Truckerprotest #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Looking at the least noticed but most important part of the recent Trudeau statement against the Unvaxxed
We have posted this video twice so far. This makes it three. And frankly, until everyone sees it and understands its meaning, it should be posted a lo
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Covidmeasures #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Covidmeasures #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
One level of Canadian government or another bakes up some fresh charges for Pastor Artur Pawlowski
#Canada #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #CorruptCanadianLeftists #LeftistactionsinCanada
#LeftistactionsinCanada #CorruptCanadianLeftists #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Canada
Trudeau stuns TV audience by channeling Mao’s method of fomenting hatred
Please read the story over at RAIR Foundation.com
For an understanding of Mao's Mass Line attacks, check out this paper by Stephen Coughlin
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #ExposingLeftism #LeftistactionsinCanada #LeftistFascism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #LeftistFascism #LeftistactionsinCanada #ExposingLeftism #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
The media and opposition now using the same playbook to gallop towards absolute state power
Watch the following clip with a lot of awareness. Its an interesting dance you see play out here, ending with the government appeasing the "opposition" by explaining that lockdowns and
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #CBC #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #Trans-scam
#Trans #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #CBC #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Prof. Edward J. Steele: “You can’t cheat the universe”
It is great to hear more and more scientists on whom the global mass hypnosis did not work. This scientist uses actual data and proper models with real world science to explain and predict the nature of the pandemic and the dangers of the vaccines
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Covidmeasures #Totalitarianism #vaccines #WuhanFlu-Corona2019
#WuhanFlu #vaccines #Totalitarianism #Covidmeasures #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism