Our family #LifelineBookfair haul. Tried not to go too over the top, but I think the bookshelves will be under some pressure... #Canberra #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Canberra #lifelinebookfair
I love this!
#Perth - dry heat (IYKYK)
#Darwin - mango madness
#Brisbane - brown snake
#Sydney - beaches, hurry
#Melbourne - it's fine
#Canberra - cold, politicians
#Hobart - food, art
#Adelaide - grid, bicycles
#adelaide #hobart #Canberra #melbourne #sydney #brisbane #darwin #perth
Girl Sports! From #Canberra 's own #TeenJesusAndTheJeanTeasers https://youtu.be/NhS46GfvUS8 #JukeboxFridayNight #GamesWePlay
#gamesweplay #JukeboxFridayNight #teenjesusandthejeanteasers #Canberra
Picked up some filthy bastard's KFC rubbish in Phillip, then spent 15 minutes looking for a bin. Gave up and brought it home. Could it really be possible there's no public garbage bins in the Phillip business district? 😡 #canberra
Just back from a little drive to the Arboretum where the colours are splendidly autumnal. Millions* of unripe figs still on trees, doubt they'll ripen before winter sets in, but that didn't deter a few cheeky folk carrying huge bagfuls away past the DO NOT PICK FRUIT sign. I may have put a few in my pocket, but they won't ripen before we go away so the housesitter will get them. #Canberra
* no exaggeration
Another scanned film shot from the early 1990s - a desolate foggy hilltop in Winter. Mount Taylor in Canberra, with lichen-covered granite outcrops.
Penultimate weekly training walk to Kingston from Woden: done. #canberra #PortugeseCamino
Perfect weather for planting: cool and a bit drizzly. We planted about 50 plants this morning at Mawson Ponds. It's looking great and only 2 years in. #landcare #volunteering #canberra
#landcare #volunteering #Canberra
Jeez... this man continues to surprise. I've never been a fan of his restaurants but we have a joke in this house, after a very early Musillon experience (from an obsequious waiter) "James always rests his meat".. we've laughed about it ever since. #canberra #courgette #aubergine
Celebrated chef back behind bars as judge slams ‘brazen, enthusiastic’ lies
#Canberra #courgette #aubergine
Stick libraries, ABC tv news... really?? April Fools was yesterday, no? Meanwhile there's no coverage of the refugee rally today in Civic, where over 1,000 ppl assembled. #Canberra
Off to the #PalmSunday refugee rally in Civic. #canberra #FreeRefugees
#palmsunday #Canberra #freerefugees
A splendid concert with Canberra Choral Society (husband up the back) the National Capital Orchestra, 3 local soloists, and Laura Tingle narrator. #Canberra represent! Bravo 👏
Husband has made his asparagus rolls (yum) for this arvo's post-concert party and headed off to the last rehearsal.
#CanberraChoralSociety and the National Capital Orchestra perform Hayden's The Seasons, with #LauraTingle 'narrating'. Llewellyn Hall 3pm. #canberra
#canberrachoralsociety #lauratingle #Canberra
And how are you planning to staff this new edifice, Rachel Stephen-Smith? #Canberra #TheCanberraHospital
#Canberra #thecanberrahospital
Progressives who see what happened in Canberra today, like has happened already elsewhere in Australia, and of course the USA and the UK, should consider how they/we think we're going to ever get our needed change to happen.
And also why the state's apparatus ('police') time and again actively sides with right-wing causes - and even more extreme actors - over everyone else. 🧵
#capitalism #anticapitalism #progressives #police #Canberra
Going around crowing about an Indigenous woman being thrown to the floor by the cops is once again showing how 'Let Women Speak' is just the GC version of 'All Lives Matter'.
It's been constructed as a phrase to gain passive support from 'unaffected' normies, but underneath, to those in the know, completely hollow.
It's also a very interesting form of 'feminist' activism to be cheering on the police.
#lgbtq #bipoc #trans #feminism #police #Canberra #australia
The Mawson Club has $11 schnitties on wed. nights. As it happens, the Woden Valley Community Council has a committee meeting tonight at 6.30pm so we're off to the Mawson. #canberra