#burnborders #AbolitionNow #ClimateActionNow #NotFossilFuels #EndFossilFinance #EndFossil #FortressEuropeFall #GlobalClimateWall #ClimateCrisis #CancelTheDebt #climateBrawl #GlobalWarming #BreakDownClimateWalls #IndigenousWaterEthics #ClimateJustice #ClimateReparations
#burnborders #abolitionnow #climateactionnow #notfossilfuels #endfossilfinance #EndFossil #fortresseuropefall #globalclimatewall #climatecrisis #CancelTheDebt #climatebrawl #globalwarming #breakdownclimatewalls #indigenouswaterethics #climatejustice #ClimateReparations
Wir sind End Fossil Paderborn!
#EndFossil #MayWeOccupy #Besetzung #occupation #Klimagerechtigkeit #climatejustice #fightfor1point5 #Lützibleibt #lützilebt #climate #debt4climate #colonialim #cancelthedebt #solidarity #anticapitalism #antifa #occupy #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #globalstrike #0303 #klima #onestruggleonefight #genugistgenug #endfossilfinance #endfossilfuels #rweenteignen #erdebrennt #info #Paderborn
#EndFossil #mayweoccupy #besetzung #occupation #KlimaGerechtigkeit #ClimateJustice #FightFor1point5 #lutzibleibt #lutzilebt #climate #Debt4Climate #colonialim #CancelTheDebt #solidarity #anticapitalism #antifa #occupy #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #globalstrike #klima #onestruggleonefight #GenugIstGenug #EndFossilFinance #endfossilfuels #rweenteignen #ErdeBrennt #info #paderborn
RT @erlassjahr
70 years ago, West-Germany was granted comprehensive debt relief. This is denied to critically indebted countries in the global south today. We won’t stop until every country has access to fair and transparent debt relief when needed! #CancelTheDebt
If you found today interesting, come follow us on all our social media:
global: @DebtforClimate (Twitter, Insta, Facebook)
🇩🇪: @Debt4ClimateDE ; debtforclimategermany (Insta)
And, most importantly, see you in the streets - lets #CancelTheDebt together ✊💛
At the end of colonialism, many countries inherited the debts of their colonial powers or were even forced to pay compensation for the profits of slavery and #exploitation their colonial powers would now miss out on. #CancelTheDebt 👇 [2/7]
This downward spiral must be stopped! That is why we as #DebtForClimate demand the #DebtCancellation of countries of the Global South in order to bring about a self-determined and socially #JustTransition and #ClimateDebtJustice #DeudaXClima #CancelTheDebt [9/9]
#DebtForClimate #DebtCancellation #justtransition #ClimateDebtJustice #DeudaXClima #CancelTheDebt
RT @xrgambia
From DRC, Saudi Arabia to Makassar in Indonesia floods have been ravaging communities and destroying livelihoods. The global south continues to pay for a crisis they have not created yet these countries are so indebted.
#ClimateCrisis #CancelTheDebt https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1606729741179944961
altro pericolosissimo atto di terrorismo ambientalista non pragmatico. presto, un influencer che si scandalizzi!
RT @ScientistRebel1@twitter.com
BE: Brussels. Scientists pasted scientific papers on the Cinquantenaire Arcade, a symbol of colonialism. Millions of people are suffering from climate chaos in the Global South, strangled by colonial debt. #CancelTheDebt and #MakeThemPay for #LossAndDamage. ✊
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ScientistRebel1/status/1590810344968323072
#lossanddamage #makethempay #CancelTheDebt
RT @ScientistRebel1
BE: Brussels. Scientists pasted scientific papers on the Cinquantenaire Arcade, a symbol of colonialism. Millions of people are suffering from climate chaos in the Global South, strangled by colonial debt. #CancelTheDebt and #MakeThemPay for #LossAndDamage. ✊
#CancelTheDebt #makethempay #lossanddamage
RT @ScientistRebel1@twitter.com
BE: Brussels. Scientists pasted scientific papers on the Cinquantenaire Arcade, a symbol of colonialism. Millions of people are suffering from climate chaos in the Global South, strangled by colonial debt. #CancelTheDebt and #MakeThemPay for #LossAndDamage. ✊
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ScientistRebel1/status/1590810344968323072
#CancelTheDebt #MakeThemPay #lossanddamage
RT @2020thewalk@twitter.com
Scientist Rebellion activists have arrived in COP. Our message is clear - this must be a COP of implementation and accountability. The high income nations must accept the responsibility for loss and damage caused due to climate inaction.
Pic: Shamim (SR Tanzania)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/2020thewalk/status/1589002322679828480
RT @toveryding: Next round of powerful civil society interventions at the #Fin4Dev Forum: @BodoEllmers & @Emilia_Equidad hammering home the point that we need a #UN process to solve the escalating debt crisis that is undermining human rights and exaccerbating gender inequalities #CancelTheDebt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnaMartinsGomes/status/1518736723689328641
People around the world are demanding debts are cancelled. Join them and add your voice to the campaign to demand big banks #CancelTheDebt. https://jubileedebt.org.uk/
This is an action by the UK's Jubilee Debt Campaign, but can be taken by everyone, anywhere.
Link: https://jubileedebt.org.uk/actions/tellthebanks
Info (copied from their site):
Many large banks and speculators – including Blackrock, JP Morgan, HSBC and UBS – continue to demand debt repayments from some of the poorest countries across Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean.
Right now, Africa is spending three times more on debt repayments to banks and speculators than it would cost to vaccinate the entire continent against Covid-19.
This includes debt payments to companies like Blackrock, who control assets over twice the size of the economy of all African countries.
Countries such as Zambia and Chad have asked for a break from these loan repayments, so they aren’t forced to choose between saving lives and repaying loans. So far, they have been refused.
And right now, the banks have the balance of power as countries who fail to repay risk being sued.
With thousands of us writing to the heads of these banks, they will be forced to listen.
People around the world are demanding debts are cancelled. Join them and add your voice to the campaign to demand big banks #CancelTheDebt.
I'm calling on @RishiSunak to #CancelTheDebt at the #IMFmeetings this week, and push for banks to do the same. This would free up $40 billion to help countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America fight coronavirus in 2020. #G20
#CancelTheDebt #IMFmeetings #g20