🔬 A historic moment as Coregen's Chief Science Officer, Dr. David Lonard, shares insights on the future of cancer therapy at Fox Business News Live. 🌍 Stay tuned as they uncover the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment and make a significant impact on patients' lives. 🌟🙌 #Coregen #ChiefScienceOfficer #CancerTherapy #MedicalBreakthrough #Innovation #treg #src3
#coregen #chiefscienceofficer #CancerTherapy #medicalbreakthrough #innovation #treg #src3
#IDMastodon #Immunology #oncologyresearch #Clinicalreview @Nature Understanding #mTORpathway & Mechanisms underlying the effects of #rapamycin on healthspan / lifespan . Role of mTOR inhibition on host #immunity & #CancerTherapy
📌 https://www.nature.com/articles/s43587-023-00416-y#Sec11
📌 https://www.nature.com/nataging
#IDMastodon #immunology #oncologyresearch #clinicalreview #mtorpathway #rapamycin #immunity #CancerTherapy
#Cancerresearch #Drugdevelopment #Drugdelivery Curent review focuses on strategies & #cancertherapy methods based on nanomaterials that target various #cancermetabolisms & the challenges, the future potential. @tandfonline
#cancerresearch #DrugDevelopment #drugdelivery #CancerTherapy #cancermetabolisms
Feeling proud and excited for my husband and their outstanding group 🤩Just 🚀 the safest and most innovative approach to #cancertherapy is here 👉 https://coregeninc.com/
TOMORROW📌 Dec 9, 2 pm (Rome/CET)—We’re having “A Coffee With” prof. @Claudiococo4
/ @Unicatt
—possibilities for organ sparing wt. neoadjuvant therapy. Schedule your coffee break!
Free🌐at: https://aischannel.com/coffee-with/claudio-coco
#rectalcancer #patientcare #cancertherapy #surgery4all
#rectalcancer #patientcare #CancerTherapy #surgery4all
Challenge #159: Choosing the best #CancerTherapy.
#GeneticTests promise targeted #cancer therapies, yet the effectiveness of drugs differs from patient to patient. Researchers at #mdcBerlin are analyzing the #proteins in #TumorCells.
More: https://www.helmholtz.de/en/research/helmholtz-challenges/challenge/choosing-the-best-cancer-therapy/#InspiredByChallenges @helmholtz_en
#CancerTherapy #GeneticTests #cancer #mdcBerlin #Proteins #TumorCells
My #Introduction - I am a postdoc doing #Research on #Apoptosis in health and disease, in particular concerning #CardioVascular #Toxicity and #Immunogenic #Celldeath in #CancerTherapy. Transitioning from #HarvardSchoolOfPublicHealth to #UniversityOfGothenburg to start up research on combined #Radiotherapy and #Immunotherapy in #BreastCancer.
#RadioBiology #Cancer #BH3Profiling #Caspases #CardioOncology
#introduction #research #apoptosis #cardiovascular #toxicity #immunogenic #CellDeath #CancerTherapy #harvardschoolofpublichealth #universityofgothenburg #radiotherapy #Immunotherapy #breastcancer #radiobiology #cancer #bh3profiling #caspases #cardiooncology
In this study, Sudarikova et al. showed the anti-proliferative/anti-migration properties of Mambalgin-2 against #lung adenocarcinoma A549 #spheroids.
Mambalgins are #peptides found in the venom of the African Black #Mamba which have been shown to promote analgesic effects in mice.
Read now: https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC9273970&blobtype=pdf
#Oncology #CancerResearch #CancerTherapy #LungCancer #Cancer #Science #LifeScience #Fediscience #Biology
#Lung #spheroids #peptides #mamba #oncology #cancerresearch #CancerTherapy #lungcancer #cancer #Science #lifescience #Fediscience #biology