Ok, this new version of #Candyman on @hbomax@twitter.com is actually quite cool. Not only the story but also these shots! Can recommend!
Just watched #Candyman. I'd loved the original; the sequel is also excellent. Vanquishing of horror monsters as necessary for healing, an idea expressed in the online material accompanying the film, is quite interesting. Why is it only Black horror where the status quo is what's horrifying? I've tried to do this in other contexts in several short stories, but none have sold yet. Why is the conservatism, the comforting return to the status quo after defeating the outsider, so expected in horror?
Bandit bespricht: CANDYMAN
CANDYMAN – Bundesstart 26.08.2021
Es gibt immer wieder diese Art von Film, die zuerst wenig Eindruck machen, eher gewöhnlich wirken. Erst später verändert sich dann die Wahrnehmung. Sei es wegen seiner künstlerischen Umsetzung mit einer genialen thematischen Auflösung, oder bei einer nachfolgenden Reflexion, beginnt sich dieser Film richtig zu entfa ...
#Candyman #JordanPeele #YahyaAbdul-Mateen
#YahyaAbdul #jordanpeele #Candyman
Nia DaCosta's #Candyman2021 serves as the perfect mirror-image to the original #Candyman while addressing its flaws and expanding on the mythology and bringing it into the post-George Floyd and Breonna Taylor zeitgeist.
Also worth seeing for that total ACAB Chef's Kiss of an ending.