Any food that is processed or mixed with #canolaoil has a longer shelf life while contributing to a shorter human life for those who eat it #CanolaOilMemoryLoss #ToxicIngredients #StopEatingPoison
#canolaoil #CanolaOilMemoryLoss #ToxicIngredients #stopeatingpoison
Any food that is processed or mixed with #canolaoil has a longer shelf life while contributing to a shorter human life for those who eat it
#canolaoil #CanolaOilMemoryLoss #ToxicIngredients #stopeatingpoison
Any food that is processed or mixed with #canolaoil has a longer shelf life while contributing to a shorter human life for those who eat it
#canolaoil #CanolaOilMemoryLoss #ToxicIngredients #stopeatingpoison