Closeup Bumble Bee
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: Varied - Aperture: f/10 - Shutter Speed:1/250 Sec
#Photo #photography #closeup #macro #ButterflyBush #bumblebee #Darktable #GiMP #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeup #macro #butterflybush #bumblebee #darktable #gimp #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Closeup Honey Bees
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: Varied - Aperture: f/10 - Shutter Speed:1/250 Sec
#Photo #photography #closeup #macro #ButterflyBush #honeybee #Darktable #GiMP #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeup #macro #butterflybush #honeybee #darktable #gimp #Canon70D #CanonMacro
One Last one
2x Magnification
Macro Chive Blossom
Focus Stacked from 25 images
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - 60mm Extension Tube - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/8 - Shutter Speed: 1/6 sec
#photo #photography #macro #flower #chive #FocusStacked #WeMacro #FocusRail #ZereneStacker #Darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #macro #flower #chive #focusstacked #wemacro #focusrail #ZereneStacker #darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Macro Chive Blossom
1.3x Magnification
Focus Stacked from 10 images
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - 20mm Extension Tube - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/8 - Shutter Speed: 1/6 sec
#photo #photography #macro #flower #chive #FocusStacked #WeMacro #FocusRail #ZereneStacker #Darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #macro #flower #chive #focusstacked #wemacro #focusrail #ZereneStacker #darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Focus Stacked Brown Knapweed
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - 21mm Extension Tube - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/8 - Shutter Speed 1/6 sec
##photo #photography #flower #weed #knapweed #macro #WeMacro #ZereneStacker #Darktable #FocusStacked #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flower #weed #knapweed #macro #wemacro #ZereneStacker #darktable #focusstacked #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Focus Stacked Brown Knapweed
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - 21mm Extension Tube - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/8 - Shutter Speed 1/6 sec
##photo #photography #flower #weed #knapweed #macro #WeMacro #FocusStacked #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flower #weed #knapweed #macro #wemacro #focusstacked #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Sunset at The Water Tower
📷 Canon M50 Mirrorless - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: 160 - Aperture: f/2.8 - Shutter Speed: 1/640 sec
#photo #photography #sunset #watertower #mirrorless #darktable #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #sunset #watertower #mirrorless #darktable #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Bumble Bee in Flight
Looks like I got a duplicate in the first set. Here is the correct image
📷 Canon M50 Mirrorless - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: 1000 - Aperture: f/13 - Shutter Speed 1/500 sec
#photo #photography #Flower #Cosmos #insect #BumbleBee #bif #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flower #cosmos #insect #bumblebee #bif #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Bumble Bee in Flight
📷 Canon M50 Mirrorless - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: 1000 - Aperture: f/13 - Shutter Speed 1/500 sec
#photo #photography #Flower #Cosmos #insect #BumbleBee #bif #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flower #cosmos #insect #bumblebee #bif #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Lemon Balm Blossom
These are tiny flowers about a 1/3 across or 1cm and has a faint smell of lemon. They are a member of the Mint family.
📷 Canon M50 Mirrorless - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: 3200 - Aperture: f/10 - Shutter Speed 1/400 sec
#photo #photography #Flower #LemonBalm #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flower #LemonBalm #darktable #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Closeup Grasshopper
📷 Canon M50 Mirrorless - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro - ISO: 500 - Aperture: f/13 - Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec.
#photo #photography #insect #grasshopper #closeup #darktable #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #insect #grasshopper #closeup #darktable #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Macro Brown Knapweed
📷 Canon 70D - EF-S 60 mm Macro Lens - ISO:800 - Aperture: f/7.1 - Shutter Speed: 1/80 sec
#photo #photography #ZereneStacker #DarkTable #Macro #PhotoStacked #flower #weed #KnapWeed #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #ZereneStacker #darktable #macro #PhotoStacked #flower #weed #knapweed #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Honey Bee on Japanese Privot
📷 Canon70D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO 6400 - Aperture: f/9 - Shutter Speed 1/800 sec.
#photo #photography #Closeups #honeybee #JapanesePrivot #darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeups #honeybee #japaneseprivot #darktable #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Winged Burning Bush
The flowers on the plant are a mere 5mm across.
📷 Canon 70D - Canon EF-S 60 mm Macro Lens - ISO: 640 - Aperture: f/13 - Shutter Speed: 1/15 sec
#photo #photography #Shrub #WingedBurningBush #Macro #Stacked #darktable #stacked #ZenereStacker #Canon70D #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #shrub #wingedburningbush #macro #stacked #darktable #zenerestacker #Canon70D #CanonMacro
Single Red Rose
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO: 3200 - Aperture: f:9 - Shutter Speed: 1/40 sec.
#photo #photography #Closeup #CloseupRose #Rose #RedRose #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeup #closeuprose #rose #redrose #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Single White Rose Bud
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO: 125 - Aperture: f/9 - Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec.
#photo #photography #flowers #Roses #WhiteRose #rosebud #Closeup #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flowers #roses #whiterose #rosebud #closeup #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
China Rose
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/9 - Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec.
#photo #photography #flowers #Roses #ChinaRose #Closeup #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flowers #roses #chinarose #closeup #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
Don't Piss Me Off - Closeup Wasp
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO: 200 - Aperture: f/2.8 Shutter Speed: 1/3200 sec.
#photo #photography #Closeup #Macro #Insect #wasp #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeup #macro #insect #wasp #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO: 100 - Aperture: f/2.8 - Shutter Speed: 1/320 Sec
#photo #photography #Closeup #Flower #Cornflower #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #closeup #flower #cornflower #mirrorless #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
📷 Canon M50 - Canon EF-s 60mm Macro Lens
#photo #photography #Flowers #Closeup #CommonHawthorn #Strawberry #Grass #MeadowFoxtail #CanonM50 #CanonMacro
#photo #photography #flowers #closeup #commonhawthorn #strawberry #grass #meadowfoxtail #CanonM50 #CanonMacro