#Copacogeca claims to speak for “over 22 million European farmers and their family members.”
There’s just one problem with that assertion: It isn’t true.
#Europe #CAP #Farming #Agroecology #JustTransitions #SmallFarms #SustainableFarming
#sustainablefarming #smallfarms #JustTransitions #agroecology #farming #Cap #europe #copacogeca
Let's say I'm not totally convinced about all the points made here...:
#agriculture #biodiversity #sustainability #farm #Europe #CAP #CommonAgriculturalPolicy
* CAP reform is certainly hindered by vested interests, but vested interests of big agribusiness and farmers lobbies are obviously pushing strongly against greening measures rather than for any form of "land sharing" (however defined) (did you see the protests in Netherlands, debates at European Parliament?). 1/n
#commonagriculturalpolicy #Cap #europe #farm #sustainability #biodiversity #agriculture
New grand opening!
Just migrated my main account here from @scholar.social.
I'm an #agroecologist in Finland.
My research is oriented toward improving food sustainability through building capacity and policy that works for people and nature.
🐝 #Agroecology #FoodSystems #Biodiversity #Farming #Farmers #Farmland #AgriEnvironment #CAP
#Pollinators #BeneficialInsects
#BiologicalPestControl #NatureFriendlyFarming #SemiNaturalLandscapes #HomeGarden
#homegarden #seminaturallandscapes #NatureFriendlyFarming #BiologicalPestControl #beneficialinsects #pollinators #Cap #AgriEnvironment #farmland #farmers #farming #biodiversity #foodsystems #agroecology #agroecologist #introduction
Die Stadt #Graz veranstaltet eine #Hackathon!
#GRAZhack 2023
16.–18. März 2023
Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Dialog City"
zum Thema „Citizen Archive Platform“ (CAP)
zur Digitalen Langzeitarchivierung
von persönlichen Daten
#opensource #steiermark #styria #austria #cap #developer #archives
#graz #hackathon #grazhack #opensource #Steiermark #styria #austria #Cap #developer #archives
Bonjour et bonne journée 😀 😀 😀
#Treibsand #Meer #Audierne #Cap Sizun #Finistere #Brz #bretagne #deginder #website
#treibsand #Meer #audierne #Cap #finistere #brz #bretagne #deginder #website
Überaus interessante Summer School zum Thema "Zukunftsfähige Landnutzungssysteme – Transformationsprozesse und Zielvorstellungen" organisiert von VÖW, Humboldt Uni Berlin und @ZALF_leibniz
#Cap #FoodSystem #biodiversity #agriculturaleconomics #agriculture #LandUse
Das Meer holt sich das Land
#Fotomontag #fotografie #Pointe du Raz #Pointe #Cap Sizun #Plogoff #finistere #bretagne #deginder #meer #nature #naturephotography
#Fotomontag #fotografie #Pointe #Cap #plogoff #finistere #bretagne #deginder #Meer #nature #naturephotography
More information on our renewed NOAA-funded Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), a CAP/RISA Team, is at https://news.arizona.edu/story/6m-grant-researchers-will-explore-how-southwest-communities-can-best-adapt-climate-change #CLIMAS #NOAA #RISA #CAP
Meine Videos kann man nun auch hier sehen
#video #naturevideo #nature #naturephotography #bretagne #finistère #cap sizun #deginder
#video #naturevideo #nature #naturephotography #bretagne #finistere #Cap #deginder
My jam is agroecology, mainly the human aspects of farmland biodiversity conservation.
🐝 #SaveWildBees, the domesticated ones are livestock & doing just fine. 🐝
#Agroecology #FoodSystems #Biodiversity #Conservation #Farming #Farmers #Farmland #AgriEnvironment #CAP
#Pollinators #BeneficialInsects
#BiologicalPestControl #NatureFriendlyFarming #SustainableAgriculture #Sustainability
#SciComm #Outreach
#foodsystems #SaveWildBees #sustainableagriculture #NatureFriendlyFarming #BiologicalPestControl #scicomm #outreach #beneficialinsects #pollinators #sustainability #AgriEnvironment #Cap #farmers #farming #conservation #biodiversity #farmland #agroecology #introduction