Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
56 followers · 288 posts · Server

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How long you wanna go through

- climate crisis
- refugee crisis
- debts crisis
- economic crisis
- educational breakdown
- rising homophobia
- rising racism
- hate as the status quo of society
- wars, hunger, starvation, rape

, just how long?

And when they ask you what you wanna do they expect answers like:

- I wanna do a career
- I wanna bigger bank account
- I wanna have fat cars and loads if chick*s
- I wanna be famous
- I wanna be powerful

bla bli blub, and when u say instead:

I want peace, love and friends, yeah, u r a dumb utopist, or worst, a communist and they all go to hell.

Don't question private property, and behave,
Don't question salary, and behave,
Don't question money, and behave,
Don't question God, and behave.

It's not about questioning, but you always shall behave. The world is dragged and drawn into terror and you shall watch, behave and?

And the only thing, that remains. Pray.

Thus we have killed our inner self when we turn 14. Become the perfect empty carrier of God, the Weltgheist or the free Market. Ready to become a distinguished worker, a drone for capitalism.

Thus rise up with your toxic masculinity to show how weak you actually are in all this madness. Homophobia and sexism as the individual revolution, which then still unites the dead.

Thus leaving all tears behind, steadily ready for war. Eternal suffering. I sacrifice myself to the only true selfish God of possession.

Thus we find ourselves reflected in empty values like Nation, your Football club or the skeleton of a suppose to be family construct.

Thus we find everyone guilty but ourselves. Searching the problem steadily with 'the other', the stranger, the foreigner, the other sex, the other sexual orientation, the other gender.

Everything that is different to us becomes a problem. as the state of art of an entire democraticised society where you first have to buy yourself into, before they grant you equal rights, or, you are equal by blood?

And then they all wander, if it wouldn't be absolutely clear where is derived from.

It's an exclusion racism. You don't define who belongs to the group. So from the inside it looks like peace, love and tolerance, while from the outside the refugee camps are flooded. No one else wanted and allowed anymore.

After Europe robbed everyone, the doors are closing. An army of door guards will fulfill, what no climate state policy will achieve.

Keep the poor out and the entrance free for white travelers.

This world will die, and along with it, all problems, all markets, all society, all humanity and all people and and and everyone.

Capitalism is not the Apocalypse, because every Apocalypse points the new thing, the new born afterwards. Capitalism is the first social construct, that assures, that there will be nothing afterwards.

Capitalism or void. That's the choice.

There is no future anymore. Only survival.

Fuck Piano Solos!

#CapitalismIsTheCrisis #capitalism #ClimateCrisis #xenophobia #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

Ⓐ Kollektiv Glitzerkatapult · @glitzerkatapult
398 followers · 373 posts · Server

Leute das JUP rutscht grade in der Platzierung runter. Gebt es Bekannten weiter. Sie brauch jede Stimme bis Ende des Monats um die Kosten zu decken.

#betterplace #freiräume #solidaritättrotzcorona #CapitalismIsTheCrisis #solidarität

Last updated 4 years ago