As Marx told us long ago,
“The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie"
and it turns out the bourgeoisie is very small.
From the (still) best essay I've seen on SARS2-3:
"Actually solving the pandemic was never in the cards for the U.S. and the rest of the capitalist world. It would have necessitated deep international cooperation, massive investment in clean air infrastructure, a persistent information campaign (and censoring of hazardous misinformation), efforts to build public trust in government, guaranteed paid leave, nationalization of key industries, and more. Basically, it would involve massively undercutting the philosophy of free market capitalism.
"Instead, the explicit goal of the ruling class has been to make the pandemic simply disappear from public perception. Any reminder of the existence of a highly-transmissible, highly-dangerous, mass-disabling disease could trigger panic, or worse: organized, militant labor action. Averting this crisis required a careful campaign of culture-crafting; the people themselves needed to become convinced that there was no reason to fight. Consent for protracted mass infection needed to be manufactured."
--Let them Eat Plague
#CovidIsNotOver #letthemeatplague #CapitalismIsTheVirus
This reminds me of G. W. Bush and Katrina. But even he had AF1 do a fly-by to "observe".
Joe Biden (and the Democratic Party) doesn't care about poor/working people!
#EastPalestineOhio #CapitalismIsTheVirus #SolidarityWithEastPalestine
#eastpalestineohio #CapitalismIsTheVirus #SolidarityWithEastPalestine
Heute nach Altenessen! #antifa #antifaheißthandarbeit #krankenhausentscheidessen #stadtessen #essen #menschenvorprofite #capitalismisthevirus #altenessen #keinmeterdenfaschisten #pandemie #corona #e3101
#antifa #antifaheißthandarbeit #krankenhausentscheidessen #stadtessen #essen #menschenvorprofite #CapitalismIsTheVirus #altenessen #keinmeterdenfaschisten #pandemie #corona #e3101