PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
233 followers · 1758 posts · Server

"Pfizer and Moderna have indicated the list price for the vaccines will be $110 to $130 per dose. 
Whether and when someone will be able to get the shots will depend on their insurance coverage"

Well that's mighty wyt of them, innit? 😖
doesn't have to be

#covid #genocide #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

C. Lambeth · @corbin_lambeth
288 followers · 714 posts · Server

Among student borrowers who opened their loans between 2010 and 2019, more than half now owe more than what they originally borrowed.

#CapitalismKills #studentloanssuck

Last updated 1 year ago

Petesmom · @JGuz
276 followers · 5738 posts · Server

Where is OSHA? The General Duty Clause is designed to give OSHA oversight of greedy inhumane or incompetent employers.
Not allowing breaks or water in extreme heat should be an easy intervention.

#osha #whereisosha #heatdeath #WorkerRights #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
219 followers · 1624 posts · Server

"The guideline revision is not an arbitrary decision or a misguided mistake, but a conscious and criminal maneuver designed to ensure that another surge or another pandemic will not cause any slowdowns in the economy."

#cdc #genocide #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick Sudlow · @patricktsudlow
6 followers · 131 posts · Server

"New report into billionaires reveals the ugly pyramids of wealth. A new report by one of the most notorious Swiss banks delves into the wealth of the global rich. It details the extent of the fortunes hoarded by a tiny minority at the top while the world’s poorest are left on a pittance. Charlie Kimber pours over its findings and argues that only revolution can end the tyranny of big money"

#CapitalismKills #inequality #poverty

Last updated 1 year ago

PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
210 followers · 1384 posts · Server


I stopped buying candles in glass a while back bc it's really hard to recycle those containers... getting the wax out is too hard & I hate throwing them out. And I'm not the grrrrl to craftily refill them

I've found a decent source for scented pillar candles but stores like Target & Fred Meyer prefer the containers bc they're filled with softer, cheaper wax. Trash + Profits go together in capitalism 🕯📈🗑


Last updated 1 year ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
752 followers · 8596 posts · Server

I recently took an indoor training course in which I was the only one . That didn’t bother me as it’s not the first time and I’ve grown quite accustomed to people’s strange looks.

What truly affected me was the sad fact that when we partnered up at the start, I was last to be picked due to my .

It was clear everyone felt that if they partnered with me they’d have to mask up as well. I told the last unfortunate fellow who was forced to sit with me that was not the case, he was relieved.

Over the 2 day course I found out my new partner had already taken the same course a month previous and barely retained anything.

I was shocked by his inability to remember numbers or follow basic instructions in a timely matter. Despite this, I continuously helped him along, explaining things thoroughly through my mask. At the end he gratefully thanked me for helping him so much through the course.

Upon leaving on the last day, I overheard my former partner admitting to the teacher that since he’s had (multiple times) he now has difficulty remembering things, which is affecting his studies.

So, next time you need to partner in a course don’t assume the only person masked is an incompetent fool, when it’s most probably quite the opposite.

My wife and I have managed to avoid thus far through maintained and social . Life changed and we’ve adjusted. Masking shows our strength and resilience not our weakness.

#masked #mask #covid #COVID19BC #masking #distancing #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #CapitalismKills #BringBackMasks #masks4healthcare #eugenics #BCpoli #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

greenleaf · @greenleaf
55 followers · 128 posts · Server

by the governments sucks so bad, that really my only hope at this point is that it somehow sucks some CO2 out of atmosphere too.

#climateinaction #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #degrowth #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
924 followers · 359 posts · Server

Sometimes, oftentimes, we so-called "alarmists" are spot on - "Drought leaves millions in without tap water fit for drinking - After years of underinvestment, reservoir has had to be topped up from estuary, raising health concerns - More than half of Uruguay’s 3.5 million citizens are without access to tap fit for drinking, and experts say the situation could continue for months.

Some had predicted the crisis years ago when pointing out the vulnerability of the single reservoir supplying water to the metropolitan area around the capital, .

By Latin American standards, Uruguay is a high-income country and it has historically thought of itself as having abundant water resources. Those who warned of diminishing supplies were considered catastrophists and investment was postponed.

Three consecutive years of have almost emptied the reservoir of fresh water, and to avoid shortages the state-run water supplier, OSE, has since the beginning of the year been gradually adding brackish water from the Rio de la Plata estuary.

By early May the mix had reached the maximum levels of sodium and chlorides recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and now it has double those levels, giving the water a repulsive taste and raising questions about potential effects on health.

Authorities maintain that the chemicals only affect the taste and smell of the water and do not necessarily pose a risk to most people’s health.

Some vulnerable groups such as babies, pregnant women and people with health conditions have been warned against drinking the water but there have been conflicting claims about its safety for the broader population."

#uruguay #water #montevideo #drought #WaterRights #southamerica #LatinAmerica #colonialism #cleanwater #drinkingwater #climate #ClimateCrisis #Klima #KlimaKrise #capitalism #CapitalismKills #kapitalismus

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
883 followers · 357 posts · Server

‘It’s pillage’: thirsty Uruguayans decry Google’s plan to exploit water supply - Country suffering its worst in 74 years, with government even mixing saltwater into drinking supply.

A plan to build a Google data centre that will use millions of litres of water a day has sparked anger in , which is suffering its worst drought in 74 years.

Water shortages are so severe in the country that a state of emergency has been declared in and the authorities have added salty water to the public drinking water supplies, prompting widespread protests.

Critics claim that the government is prioritising water for transnationals and agribusiness at the expense of its own citizens. Daniel Pena, a researcher at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, said: “Only a tiny proportion of water in Uruguay is used for human consumption. The majority is used for big agro industries, such as soya, rice and wood pulping. Now we have planning to use enormous quantities of water.”

#drought #uruguay #montevideo #google #water #WaterRights #southamerica #LatinAmerica #capitalism #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
163 followers · 852 posts · Server

Deep dive into the really puts a lot into perspective for me
TL;DR: entertainment

#wgastrike #CapitalismKills #unionstrong

Last updated 1 year ago

PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
152 followers · 721 posts · Server

I'm taking this stand as an : There are no superfluous children of God.
No creature's value is measured by their contribution to an economic system.

"If we start to build algorithms that encode Harari’s productive definition of value, then we are, indeed, doomed if they get out of our control. If we also communicate this idea of produce or perish to the public, and to future generations, then humanity will collapse."

#episcopalian #ai #CapitalismKills

Last updated 1 year ago

PeachMcD · @PeachMcD
108 followers · 73 posts · Server


When this old woman was growing up, productivity & pay were actually (roughly) connected. I worked hard & got raises & promotions 📈

Reagan changed all that 🙄

Now, I don't blame youngers one bit for lacking my 'work ethic' since it wouldn't do them any good whatsoever

both souls & bodies. If it was gonna do what it promises to do, it's had plenty of time. Let's try something else, sez me.

#CapitalismKills #demsocialist #antifascist

Last updated 1 year ago

David Ano · @DavidAno
113 followers · 360 posts · Server

In the past, corporate profit growth accounted for maybe a third of . But a report from the Kansas City Fed found that nearly 60% of inflation in 2021 was because of corporate profits.

#CapitalismKills #corporategreed #economics #economy #news #inflation

Last updated 1 year ago

David Ano · @DavidAno
113 followers · 348 posts · Server

🧵 2/3
In US half the country doesn't care about amount of damage, mass extinctions, & utter disasters that will create — as long as they can continue to make a dollar. wont do anything about . is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned in the hands of the few, everything is commoditized. The goal is the accumulation of profits & relies on the exploitation of people & . .

#politics #CapitalismKills #environment #capitalism #climatecrisis #republicans #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

David Ano · @DavidAno
113 followers · 346 posts · Server

made $32.5B in '22. Yes the store had a shoplifting issue but that does NOT justify a fatal shooting by security guard of an unarmed homeless Black man . WTF was a security guard doing w/ a gun anyways? DA declined to press charges on Anthony. The video clearly shows Anthony was the aggressor & Brown wasnt a threat! A bag of candy isnt worth someone's life! Proof that !

#news #CapitalismKills #brookejenkins #bankobrown #transgender #michaelanthony #sanfrancisco #walgreens

Last updated 1 year ago

T Chu 朱 · @chu
115 followers · 998 posts · Server

When we think of child labour, our minds immediately think about underdeveloped nations with kids in sweat shops.

Perfectly normal behaviour in the country with the most billionaires in the world.


Last updated 2 years ago

Talk about regulatory capture by private industry!!! This is crazy. These chemicals are so bad for humans and all life, and the EPA is giving them a free pass to continue to make money at human's and the environment's expense. It isn't enough to just ban them, the companies making them and lobbying to keep them on the market when their safety was already an issue, should be fined and or shut down.

This kind of action by companies and their lobbying groups to keep products on the market to the detriment of our planet and people is a grave threat to all life and must be punished enough to dissuade companies from ever doing it again. Executives, corporate profits, board members, and anyone directly involved must be held accountable with serious costs and punishments, including jail time. We can't have companies continuing to play this game of treating this as just a cost of doing business, making billions and being fined millions, while humans, the planet and our descendants pay unbearable costs.

Opinion | EPA’s Whack-a-Mole “Forever Chemicals” Posture Is an Intolerable Failure | Common Dreams

"To great applause, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last month proposed “maximum contamination levels” in drinking water for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals. This was the first such action that EPA had taken in more than 30 years on any drinking contaminant.

Unfortunately, despite the magnitude of this action for this handful of PFAS, there are at least 12,000 PFAS variations.

Before the applause for EPA could die down, this month, a study found 26 types of PFAS in drinking water samples from 16 states. Notably, EPA has no pending proposed standard for 20 of these PFAS. More disturbing, 12 of these PFAS are not included in EPA's current monitoring—in other words, EPA does not even currently test for them.

Furthermore, three of these PFAS fall outside the “working definition” for PFAS that EPA adopted without any outside review in 2021. This means that EPA is not considering regulating them.

The public health implications of its chemical-by-chemical posture are much too serious to accommodate (however lamely) EPA’s scientific self-image.

In fact, EPA’s working definition is far narrower than those adopted by other entities, such as the intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and members of the European Union. Nor is it as broad as the definition adopted by numerous states that have started regulating PFAS on their own, frustrated by the slow pace set by EPA. It is also substantially narrower than the definition EPA itself uses for research purposes and non-regulatory estimates.

Why would EPA summarily adopt a definition that leaves out thousands of PFAS?

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), the organization I work for, asked the agency this very question. Just four months after EPA published this working definition in 2021, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents that would provide a scientific explanation or justification for this new definition.

We are still waiting.

Months after our request, EPA released some 2,500 pages of documents that did not answer the question. By June 2022, when it became clear that the agency would not voluntarily produce any meaningful response, my organization filed a federal lawsuit under FOIA demanding complete production.

In the ensuing months, like a squid emitting an ink cloud to throw off a pursuer, EPA’s attempts to evade production have only grown more convoluted. This exercise, however, appears to have confirmed the information we received from inside the agency – EPA’s working definition does not appear to be the product of EPA scientific research.

This working definition suddenly appeared out of thin air, with no discernible paper trail of parentage. We suspect it actually sprung from a chemical industry lobbyist’s pen, as the financial implications of this definition are enormous. If EPA admitted the definition’s true origin that would be embarrassing, to say the least, and puncture all of the lofty rhetoric its senior officials regularly spout about the rigorous scientific integrity behind agency decision-making..."

#regulatorycapture #greedkills #CapitalismKills #jailexecutives

Last updated 2 years ago

Like so many things, the water crisis in the western U.S. is about short-sighted, self-interest (read selfishness and greed) and the power of certain, small but wealthy groups to dictate government agendas that hurt the majority of the population. Huh, greed, selfishness and bought politicians getting in the way of making government work for all of us? Sounds so damn familiar!!!

Why is the Colorado river drying up? Feeding cows is a large part - Vox

"...residential water use accounts for just 13 percent of water drawn from the Colorado River. According to research published in Nature Sustainability, the vast majority of water is used by farmers to irrigate crops.
which crops receive the bulk of the Colorado River’s water, 70 percent goes to alfalfa, hay, corn silage, and other grasses that are used to fatten up cattle for beef and cows for dairy. Some of the other crops, like soy, corn grain, wheat, barley, and even cotton, may also be used for animal feed.
The stress on the West’s water supply due to alfalfa is especially acute in Utah: A staggering 68 percent of the state’s available water is used to grow alfalfa for livestock feed, even though it’s responsible for a tiny 0.2 percent of the state’s income. Last year, the editorial board of the state’s largest newspaper, the Salt Lake Tribune, declared that “it’s time for Utah to buy out alfalfa farmers and let the water flow.”

California takes more water from the Colorado River than any other state, and most of it goes to the Imperial Valley in the southern part of the state. It’s one of the most productive agricultural regions in the US, producing two-thirds of America’s vegetables during winter months. But the majority of the Imperial Valley’s farmland is dedicated to alfalfa and various grasses for livestock.

In Arizona, Phoenix’s backup water supply is being drained to grow alfalfa by Fondomonte, owned by Saudi Arabia’s largest dairy company, which it ships 8,000 miles back to the Middle East to feed its domestic herds. (Water-starved Saudi Arabia banned growing alfalfa and some other animal feed crops within its own borders in 2018.)
all that alfalfa is used to produce beef and dairy — two food groups that themselves contribute significantly to climate change. In other words, we’re using water supplies that have been shrunk in part by climate change to produce food that will in turn worsen climate change.

#greedkills #CapitalismKills #allinthistogether

Last updated 2 years ago

Skinnybones · @skinnybones514
3 followers · 16 posts · Server

One single fire in one single milk farm in Texas killed eighteen thousand (18 000) cows and injured one human worker on April 10.

#animalrights #animalexploitation #CapitalismKills

Last updated 2 years ago