Go LeArN sOmE EcOnOmIcS!!1!!
#economics #economy #capitalism #CapitalistLies
🤡 "Enclosure"? No I haven't heard of that, do you mean like a cabinet or a patio or something?
Oh, you're talking about the tRaGeDy oF tHe cOmMoNs! Yeah I've heard of that, so sad. Human nature is so terrible! Such lazy beasts SMDH 🤡
🤡 "Private", "personal", come on now, this is just made-up Marxist mishmash!
Obviously there is no difference between owning your toothbrush and owning a factory where you charge people rent for the right to work in it. 🤡
🤡 Of course you can have a little socialism as a treat! After all, most countries are really hybrids of socialism and capitalism anyway, can't we all just get along and stop fighting over labels? 🤡
🤡 Working harder to reap more benefits is #capitalism 🤡
Huh. This idea is very convenient for capitalists, isn't it.
Coincidence? Nah.