Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
858 followers · 205 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The terms & are really just for . You’ve literally been over the years to think you have rights without duties, and by extension, that the elite have rights without duties as well. But, you don’t really have the same “rights” as . Do you? And is founded on . We give the elite the “right” to accumulate that allow for at . In return, they do their “duty” and ensure that is in a manner that benefits the masses giving them the right to be rich. Otherwise: . Right?

#advertising #commercial #euphemisms #CapitalistPropaganda #programmed #billionaires #capitalism #social #contract #fortunes #production #scale #productivity #invested #guillotines

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
848 followers · 202 posts · Server kolektiva.social

What do I mean by ?

Well, for example is the elite's version of Jospeh Goebbels.

He's a paid liar.

#CapitalistPropaganda #grovernorquist #capitalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
848 followers · 198 posts · Server kolektiva.social

For example: want to control ? a percentage of their price increases.

Want to control ? Tax the elite by the byte for the privilege of communicating across state lines.

Want to keep elite influence out of politics? Provide a general election fund that those owning above a set asset threshold must fund to participate.

This isn't rocket surgery. The hate taxes because the have weaponized the term against the poor.

#inflation #taxtherich #CapitalistPropaganda #poor #elite

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
848 followers · 197 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Never be fooled.

have never been about "paying for" public budgets in sovereign currency issuing countries. That's a recent invention.

Taxes have always been asserting control. Taxes are the only effective stick the public owns to beat into submission.

Always remember this.

#taxes #CapitalistPropaganda #public #billionaires

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
455 followers · 791 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
448 followers · 780 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Taibbi states:
“The end result has been relentless censorship of, and mountains of (often deceptive) state-sponsored propaganda about, legitimate American political activity. In the Twitter Files we see correspondence from state agencies and state-sponsored research entities describing everything from support of the Free Palestine movement to opposition to vaccine passports as illicit foreign propaganda.”

Trouble is Matt, is when the capitalist class owns the State.


#statePropaganda #CapitalistPropaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
444 followers · 760 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I have a bet with a friend that if he can find a current for something I "need" then I will promptly mail him a check for $100.00.

Why am I positive I'll win?

The mode is laid out in GK Galbraith's "Dependence Effect." The method is


#commercial #CapitalistPropaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
397 followers · 646 posts · Server kolektiva.social

My 5yr old was watching an educational video the other day, and I'll be damned if it wasn't the first time I'd heard mention of: .

Stopped me in my tracks when I heard it. I immediately went over and reinforced how correct the message is.

Personally, I to buy throw away planned obsolescence consumer kitsch. If you can't fix it when it breaks, or resuse it over and over, or it's so cheap it's not worth fixing ... refuse to buy it.

I think that's one of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children while they're young to break out of the consumer culture trap perpetually laid by .

#refusereducereuserecycle #refuse #CapitalistPropaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
369 followers · 531 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@iain @revolt3d Well, at least in the U.S., a ton of good journalists have defected from the MSM and gone private on sub stack. That's the first step. However, they're islands in an ocean of . And while each may have their own ethical principles that make them good journalists, they lack power to push the MSM to the same standards. As a result, their ability to change the system is hamstrung.

Now, pull all those lone voices under one big tent that agrees to: (i) adopt rules w/r/t minimum levels of competency, ie. testing to determine if you smart enough to be a journalist in the first place. Law has the bar exam. Doctors have the Boards. (ii) Adopt an ethical code of rules, also with a test you have to pass to get under the tent. But, those rules also apply to all the work one does through their career. You fall below that ethical standard, and someone complains, you get called before board of disciple (a jury of your peers) for sanctioning or being dispelled. (iii) Adopt rules governing the board of discipline that proscribe the rules the board of discipline has to play by, and which sets out terms for the regular transfer of power.

That done, you've set up a system that the public can trust, and judge if the system is performing as advertised. If it does perform as expected, then the trust will pay off b/c that system is where people will turn to .. and away from the MSM system. This would have the effect of pushing everyone else to either adopt the standards, or be seen as untrustworthy.

Which leads to your main point, it has to be the "good" journalists who set the system up on their own, first. They have to set the standard of excellence. Once done, everyone else either joins, and is willing to accept the penalties, or they're penalized for working for to substandard levels.

The system has worked quite well for all the other "professions" for a very long time. As it stands, there's no teeth to current journalistic standards, and thus no reason not to be a hack.

Make sense?


Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
355 followers · 472 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@ricardoharvin The surest sign that has failed is that it doesn't provide the basic necessities so every human can afford them.

Which is why we observe so much to distract from this fact.

#capitalism #CapitalistPropaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
337 followers · 434 posts · Server kolektiva.social

There is nothing about

It's the same old wrapped in with a shiny new bow on top.


#Revolutionary #ai #CapitalistPropaganda #bullshit

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
332 followers · 409 posts · Server kolektiva.social

That 5 yr olds are riveted by commercials tells you everything you need to know about


Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
268 followers · 168 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Just posted this over at Elon's new hobby house ... so refreshing to be free of all that here.

Hey guess what?
There's no promoted (advertising is what low info morons call it) over at
Just you and yours.
Imagine that.

#CapitalistPropaganda #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
131 followers · 113 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I'm grateful today that hard hitting websites like Naked Capitalism still exist in the world to cut through the fog of corporate media's

Thanks @yvessmith and @LambertStrether for keeping it REAL.

If you're not acquainted with the website, you're in for a treat:



Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
95 followers · 60 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
8 followers · 12 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Words I shudder to see: Content, TV, Ad, etc.
These are all euphemisms for .

Change the language and change a mind.

We so readily forget the only reason “content” exists is to sell us shit we don’t need by making us feel insecure in who we are.


Last updated 2 years ago