Quick reminder that #Anthropocene is a rather unfit term for the current age of ecological devastation as not all humans have contributed equally or are systemically responsible on the same level.
It is much more fitting to call it #Capitalocene as today's wasteland is primarily the result of propertisation and profit driven exploitation of resources by a specific class of humans and the capitalist structure that was build around them.
Why not ask a building or a park the questions we would ask a poem or a painting: questions about the histories they tell about this place, and about how they accommodate it to our gazes and our bodies so that we can inhabit it? https://tinyurl.com/2s4khnuz #landscape #anthropocene #wasteocene #capitalocene #latinamerica #books #academia #art #film #literature
#landscape #anthropocene #wasteocene #Capitalocene #latinamerica #books #academia #art #film #literature
In the “earth-writing” of Latin American regionalist literature, the multiple, lived temporalities of the extractive zone and its racialized #biopolitics came into view long before #Anthropocene and #Capitalocene thinking. At the same time, these narratives sketched out a counter-movement that rallied human and nonhuman forces to combat #extractivism’s advance: a biopolitics not of extraction but of contagion, mutation, and community. https://tinyurl.com/yyhhd3r4
#biopolitics #anthropocene #Capitalocene #extractivism
And there it is! Out now in Northwestern's wonderful FlashPoints series: https://nupress.northwestern.edu/9780810145924/entranced-earth/
#academia #books #environment #art #extractivism #anthropocene #Capitalocene #ecology #artivism #literature #cinema #architecture #landscape #soundscape #aestetics #gardens #latinamerica
#academia #books #environment #art #extractivism #anthropocene #Capitalocene #ecology #artivism #literature #cinema #architecture #landscape #soundscape #aestetics #gardens #latinamerica
"Eséticas de la supervivencia en el #Antropoceno", en breve desde Berlín (más info en: https://dispositio.de/sur/) #academia #conference #anthropocene #capitalocene #LatinAmerica #americas
#Antropoceno #academia #conference #anthropocene #Capitalocene #latinamerica #Americas
Derartiger historischer bzw. evolutionärer Determinismus ist doch vollkommen haltlos und entlastet nur diejenigen, die seit ca. 500 Jahren die Erde ausplündern, nur um aus Geld noch mehr Geld zu machen. Denkst du, dass dies eine evolutionäre Notwendigkeit darstellte? Warum ist das dann nur in Europa passiert, während andere Menschen in Harmonie mit der nicht-menschlichen Natur weiterlebten, bis sie von Europäer:innen überfallen wurden?
There's no #anthropocene, it's a #capitalocene!
The graph is impressively demonstrating the nonsense of the concept of the #anthropocene! As evident, it is the #capitalocene which we are dealing with.
This really feels like a necessary parallel to Jason Moore's work on #Capitalocene: The Fishing Revolution and the Origins of Capitalism https://monthlyreview.org/2023/03/01/the-fishing-revolution-and-the-origins-of-capitalism/
Fresh from the press: Azucena Castreo and Gianfranco Selgas on post-anthropocentric gazes in contemporary cinema of #Peru and #PuertoRico! Check out: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13569325.2022.2158440?src= #cinema #filmstudies #anthropocene #capitalocene #plants #amazon #latinoamerica
#peru #puertorico #cinema #filmstudies #anthropocene #Capitalocene #plants #amazon #latinoamerica
Forthcoming this fall! https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110775907/html?lang=en
#Latam #latinamerica #culture #ecology #extractivism #ecocriticism #multinaturalism #Capitalocene #anthropocene
#LatAm #latinamerica #culture #ecology #extractivism #ecocriticism #multinaturalism #Capitalocene #anthropocene
"It has to be at the heart of #climatejustice politics: To find a way to confront and reveal the ideology of this man versus nature framework." Jason W Moore in a recent conversation:
He is eloquently unfolding a whole historical framework of the #capitalocene in a few sentences and he convincingly explains that the whole project has started with the production of "cheap nature" after the Columbian Invasion.
This is an important addition to Marx' Primitive Accumulation.
Also eigentlich ist es das Kapital, das den Planeten vernichtet. Aus dem Grund verwenden politische Ökolog:innen wie Jason W. Moore den Begriff "Kapitalozän" (#capitalocene) statt #Anthropozän, den sie überzeugend kritisieren, weil die Rede von "den Menschen" schlechthin als Problemverursacher:innen erfolgreich davon ablenkt, dass es der #Kapitalismus ist, der unsere #Lebensgrundlagen zerstört.
#Capitalocene #anthropozan #kapitalismus #lebensgrundlagen
Fresh off the web! Here's a new article where I talk about the relationship between digital technologies and climate damage, looking at a selection of works of digital literature (#elit) that expose their entanglement within material networks of mineral extraction and energy consumption... I hope this becomes my new book so let me know what y'all think 🙏
#capitalocene #digitalliterature #digitalhumanities #netart #climatedamage #climatechange #posthumanism
#elit #Capitalocene #digitalliterature #digitalhumanities #netart #climatedamage #climatechange #posthumanism
@NorfolkBea Disappointing that capitalism isn't explicitly condemned, but there is this, near the bottom:
Victor Anderson (Anglia Ruskin Uni) 'says the issue continues to be difficult, not least because every aspect of industry is entwined with nature’s destruction. “I think tracing through the causes of biodiversity loss is a bit frightening, because it does lead you to the whole way in which the world economy operates.”'
Si andan por Buenos Aires, por ahí les interese mi charla mañana en Untref sobre "Estéticas de la sobrevida". Detalles abajo! #Antropoceno #Capitaloceno #Arte #Anthropocene #Capitalocene #Art
#Antropoceno #capitaloceno #Arte #anthropocene #Capitalocene #art
Hi all! Just joined H-Net.Social, I'm a Latin Americanist writing on #film, #literature and the #arts , in particular on #Argentina, #Brazil, #Chile and the #Luso-Atlantic. #Capitalocene aesthetics, #memory, #more-than-human communities. Looking forward!
#film #literature #arts #argentina #Brazil #chile #Luso #Capitalocene #memory #more
I’ve got some more followers now so here is a proper #introduction post!
I am a PhD candidate in #CreativeWriting at QUB. I am currently working on a short story collection of stories which are set in this weird moment we may call the #Anthropocene (though I prefer #Capitalocene myself). The critical component of my thesis focuses on HP #Lovecraft, and the intersections of environmental imaginaries and white supremacy that inform his conception of the cosmic weird.
#introduction #creativewriting #anthropocene #Capitalocene #Lovecraft