1/ The bloodthirsty neonazi #NickFuentes is in the news for meeting w/DJT & Kanye. He was a #Jan6 VIP who incited on bullhorn & was on restricted ground w/Jaden McNeil & Vincent James Foxx of Red Elephants. #AmericaFirst #extremism
Search #IamNickFuentes #IamVincentJames #CapitolAF #NerdFerguson on 🐥.
My🐥thread on them: https://twitter.com/DianthaSol/status/1483966237398880257?s=20&t=rt4KWJKGlYiwhkzOTMU1sA
My posts on them archived, latest on top, same thing on two archives:
#NickFuentes #JAN6 #AmericaFirst #extremism #IamNickFuentes #IamVincentJames #CapitolAF #NerdFerguson