American Mork
© Surazeus
2014 08 13
Elegy for Robin Williams
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how
that laughter used to make me howl,
and I knew if I had my chance
that I could make those people laugh
and maybe they'd be happy for a while.
Whole Poem:
#RobinWilliams #Mork #AmericanMork #AmericanPie #Elegy #Jester #KingOfFools #JesterKing #HighPriest #Comedian #Actor #CaptainMyCaptain #DeadPoetsSociety #DeadPoet #MetaModernism #MetaRomanticism
#robinwilliams #mork #americanmork #americanpie #elegy #jester #kingoffools #jesterking #highpriest #comedian #actor #CaptainMyCaptain #deadpoetssociety #deadpoet #metamodernism #MetaRomanticism
#TeamDresch #CaptainMyCaptain #Music #musique #musik #musica